How often to do a water change


Active Member
IMO that depends on the size of the tank, whats in it, filtration and test kit readings.
Me personally, I do a 20% WC once a week.


I tend to do about 10% weekly. I find this to be appropriate for my tank, but have heard varying opinions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sammyw
Wow. All your parameters are OK?
Yes. The last water change I did was after 8 months. My salinity was dropping a little low and so I just decided to change the water. I would rather do no water changes at all... but something always seems to happen to force one (such as moving the tank).
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphate 0
I have 2 clowns, 6 green chromis, a yellow tang, mandarin goby, 9 urchins, snails, crabs, feather dusters, LTA, Different Zoas and several Ricordea pieces. I have to dose calcium, iodine and strontium as they are absorbed and only use RO/DI water. I have chaeto, shaving brush plants live sand and LR in the refugium. I also run ozone and UV. Oh... and it's a crushed coral tank.

Here's a pic from a few months ago.



Active Member
On average about 10% a week, sometimes every other week. I let the tank tell me when it's time


Well-Known Member
I tell clients that many water changes are necessary in order to run a proper aquarium, however I say that to get paid for more services... (I know it's somewhat bad business) But at least they all have perfectly healthy tanks!
On my personal tanks, half of them don't have any mechanical filtration at all, half of them don't have any protein skimmers at all. The ones that don't have filtration or protein skimming only have swift flow, deep sand beds, and small refugiums.
I haven't done a water change on two of my tanks in over a year, and the corals are still growing and multiplying like crazy.


I was doing 10% every other week, but due circumstances Im faced with, I havent done one in about 6 months. I figure if all the reading I check for are ok, whats the harm? Since I add fresh water everyday , doesnt that add trace elements? My evaporation is close 2 a gal every 2 days.......long and short of it, if it needs it Ill do it.


15% once a month 210 g with 40 g sump (actual 200 g system and 25 g WC)


Active Member
20 % NSW every 6-8 weeks +. 130 gallon/45 gallon fuge, lightly stocked,not overfed,all fish and corals FAT and happy.


Active Member
On my 55 gal reef tank 18% (10/55) once a week. It's a routine now-mix the 2 5gal bckets Thursday night, change it out on Saturday.
I had it as a fowlr tank for years and went for over a year without any changes at all, only tap water top off. Had a couple of fish and some hermits that did fine and oh, I had crazy big algae growth.