how often to test?


i just got my first fish after the cycle. i put him in the tank at about 7 last night. i tested the water late last night with ammonia=0 and nitrite=0. i tested it at 3 today and still 0s. im just curious how often i should test and for how long i should test after getting a new fish. also how will i know when i can get another? do i just wait 2 weeks or is there some way to tell?


New Member
i usually test mine about every weekend. sat. or sun. mine just finished cycling, but when it was cycling, i tested about every 4-5 days, just to get a rough idea of where it was at. after cycling, test every weekend, because the stuff is expensive. If you are wondering one the best testing soloution is, i would highly suggest the Red Sea testing kit. I have heard great things about that kit and good luck!