How often to use DT's


Active Member
I have 2 types of mushrooms. A candy cane coral, a finger leather, a red ball sponge some sunburst polyps, and a few others I can't remember the names of off hand. Tank is a 90.


Active Member
I use DTs every two days in the reccommended doses..........sometimes a little more if they look hungry. I would try not to over dose the DTs because I believe that it can lead to an increase in algae growth.


I've heard that DT's is a bit more forgiving if you accidentally over use it a time or two, because it is living and does not decompose like other phytoplankton products. It will eventually die I assume, but your animals may have taken care of most of what is left, and your skimmer should catch some too.


Active Member
I run skimmerless and if I dose more than once a week I get a bright green algea on the glass that I need to literally scrape off.
I use 1 to 2 capfulls 1 a week or every other week.


Do any of you get your dt's on line if so what's the cost and were. i saw a place with th 30oz for 35.99


Active Member
Is that supposed to be a really good price? Not LFS has the 30oz for $42.50. Wasn't sure if this was high or not.