how old are some of you????


I bet that I am the youngest on the whole entire bb. I'm 13( that explains why I can never spell anything right)
PS. my parents have never baught me anything that has to do with my tank. I mow alot of lawns and hang alot of christmas lights.

[This message has been edited by eelman (edited 08-03-2000).]


New Member
Yo SUNDOG..... Al Commander is a food friend of mine, granted i haven't tlked to him a long time. all of my pieces of art are from his gallery. if you ever come down this way look me up.....


27 feel like 50 trying to juggle "The Tank" and the kids and their supplies.


well i see this a post that has been around for a while. nice to see that everyone can come togther and just say hi and what they have.... well im 37 no tank yet...very very soon 55 i hope. and have two kids. wonderfull wife and two doggs and 3 cats (they're hers)and a small 10 gal tank for the 4yr old with the goldfish she won at a local carny..
see yall and hope this one keeps going..
Randy V


New Member
Hi! I'm 31. In the process of getting a 55 with Fish,ls,lr and inverts. Mom of 3 ( 3yr,5yr&10yr). Live in south Oklahoma. By the way I have not seen one person from Ok. Are any out there?