How old is too old to pair?

gold strip

I've got my pride and joy, a 4.5 inch Gold Stripe Maroon, in a 20 long while my new 75 stabilizes. Downgraded from a 180 due to 3rd child on the way and no time or money.
I was thinking of trying to pair her up when I introduce her into the new tank. LFS has a beautiful 2 to 2.5 inch Gold Stripe.
I figured I would wait until the 75 is good and stable. Shouldnt take too long as substrate and rock came from 4 year old 180. Then put LTA in there. Then small Gold Stripe. Then when the small GS looks comfortable I would add Arlington (Wife named her after her old highschool whose colors were maroon and yellow).
I know it will be a battle at first but if both fish are healthy they should survive it right?
Am I off my rocker here? Opinions?


Since it is a new tank to the big one then I would say you probably have a chance, but no guarantee. By giving a chance to the small one to adjust to the tank before the big one definetely will help instead of the other way around.


if its a tank alone I would its more than likely already starting to change to a female it doesnt take long for this to happen. I would find where they have more than one in a tank and get the smallest in there *as long as its healthy of course* then you would have more sucess at them pairing up.

rod buehle

Originally Posted by tfolke1
Will a clown by itself always revert to Female?
Yes. It may take longer with some species and individual circumstances, but the largest most aggressive of the group will become the female, even if its only a group of one