How over priced is your LFS


My LFS is 3-4 time more costly that what I can buy things on this site for. I was going to get some Peppermint shrimp and they cost almost $20. I am going to Denver in 3 weeks I was wondering if it was like this every were.


Active Member
It is a hit or miss at my lfs. Nice dragon wrasse $14, healthy lion $25, my puffer $15. i don't think that those prices are bad considering if you buy from some places the shipping and handling can be outrageous. I am not sure what the shipping is on this site. i think that you have to spend $75 for free shipping. Don't quote me. I am going to get my next fish from here. :D At my lfs the shrimp are expensive (to me). $21.99 for a cleaner shrimp and about the same for the pep shrimp.


Active Member
1 out of 3 here has fair prices. 1 of the stores is run by a real head case. When people go in there, he is either OK or a little on edge. When asked about a fish price, every fish is $40!
Our next order is through here after we set our other tank up:D


Booya I agree, I love being able to order online, esp with a place that has good live stock and you know your getting a decent product. What I don't like is the $75 order min. Its not even about spending the money as much as wanting to add livestock a little at a time and not all at once.
I am in need of some cleaners though, so I think I have a list of critters I am happy with and about to place an order...


Active Member
Our LFS is a little over priced, but not outrageously so. Not to mention, most of his fish/corals are of decent size and are almost always in great condition.

mr. ray

New Member
my only concern about ordering fish online is how often will i get dead fish on my door step? I once ordered a computer and when i got it it was busted. 75 dollars is ok if you wanna get one fish and some rock


LFS Supreme Mag 7. 89.00
place in Lancaster PA......professional fish retailer I won't name. Supreme Mag 7 51.00
LFS stores are outragousely priced!!


depends when i go. prices arent posted at most of my LFS, so you always have to ask for one. Sometimes you'll get the guy that has no idea what so ever and one day it'll be $40, another day $20. So i just continually check back until i get a price i like:D


Active Member
I guess i am pretty lucky. I have like 5 or 6 places in San Antonio. I can get dry goods just as cheep at a couple lfs as online. I can get false percs for 13, flame angels for 30 and one place even had larege powder blue tangs for 30!


Active Member
Aquatica in Oak Forest, Illinois. Not over priced - as cheap as online. Great store. Will give me $$ off without me asking - each fish. For instance - a firefish at $8.99 - to me $6.99. Just for being a loyal customer. All other LFS's - no bargains what so ever and not cheap.


Mine is out of control. 29.99 for a salifert test kit. 34.99 for one percula clown. Rio powerheads go for over 50 bucks. Thier live rock was starting at 9 bucks a lb. Much cheaper to buy online.


Active Member
My lfs is a hit or miss also, Cleaner shrimp is 25, peppermints 7, percula's 25, scarlet reef hermits 5, rock of zoos 40, powder blue is 80, flame angel 55, lr 6 a lb. Not too bad not too good. Dry goods are outrageous I have never purchased any dry goods unless I ran out and forgot to order some online.


My LFS is a joke. They told me that I absolutely had to have an undergravel filter and shoud probably have a Fluval 404 for $135. Well, I got the fluval online and shipped for $90 and I don't have the undergravel filter. They also sold me crushed coral, didn't even mention live sand and said a skimmer probably wouldn't be needed. The only skimmers they sell would have cost $50 (can't remember which one they had) and I found the same one online for $25.
Fish prices are pretty high and most of them look like they are on thier last leg, or fin.
Anyway, I will be ordering from here. Anyone near western MD want to slip a $75 order? I really only need/want two clownfish.


My lfs wants 9.99 a pound for Fiji live rock and 11.99 for Marshal. Also they want 90.00 for a black and white Percula clown. I think that is a little overpriced.


Active Member
My LFS is reasonable in most things. I think that they are a bit pricey when it comes to LR, but most places are anyway. As far as fish, they are just about the same prices as this website. Here, there was a sale of percs for $15 each, and that is what I paid for mine at the LFS regular price.
I started going to this LFS when I wanted to buy a goldfish for my 29 FW tank...they offered black moors for only $2.95 whereas the other LFS's in town wanted $5 or more for the same fish...
I can also get a huge bag of IO for only $12, which online plus shipping is way more than that.
I do buy inverts online though, since my LFS only has some of what I need at any given time and seems to have all the snails/hermits/lettuce nudis available all at one time. :D Now if they had a nice firefish goby at this point in time, I'd be really happy...