How safe are anenomes


New Member
Im thinking about starting a 120 gallon reef tank and wanna keep fish and corals and inverts and was just wondering if you can keep anenomes in there with them or do the anenomes have to be in a seperate non reef tank


Anemones are reef safe but some like to move around alot, but once they find their spot they usually stay put. They have a problem of getting sucked into powerheads also-unfortunately Carrie


Active Member
you can cover your powerheads to keep things from getting sucked in. Anemones are reef safe but make sure you have the proper lighting for the one you select. Tube anemones don't need special lighting but they can be really nasty, they move around alot and will sting other corals/fish. Actually any anemone is capable of stinging but I think some are meaner than others.


From my experience you should not try to keep to many SPS corals with them. Soft corals seem to fare better with anemones.
I'd say you have 6 months to a year anyway before you get one for your tank. That is a suggestion that you should have an established, stable tank before you add one. So you will have plenty of time to research them.