how should i add a fuge?


I just upgraded my 29g tank to a 55g and was wanting to use the 29g tank as a fuge. What would be the best, affordable way to do this? Could i just get a overflow box w/ a u tube to feed the fuge and a pump in the fuge to return water to the tank? I would be putting the fuge under my tank and would want to use it mostly for sheltering pods and maybe grow some macro algae. I dont really want caulerpa (sp?) though. I was thinking of some halimeda, shaving brush, and maidens hair. Would those work as well as caulerpa? I want to get some macro media because it sounds like a great place for pods to live, but do those algaes need sand to grow in?
On the other hand, I am getting 6 55w PC lights for xmas. Is this enough for everything but SPS corals? what about anemones?
Thank you very much for the help,


Active Member
You could have the water going strait into the fuge, but fuges need slow flow and you would have faster flow with a hang on back overflow. You could have the water draining into the 29g then have a rubbermaid sitting about 4 or 5 inches higher than the 29. Have a small pump pumping water from the 29 to the rubbermaid and a hole w/bulkhead so the water will drain back into the 29g sump. HTH