How should I add my Purple Tang-QT to my 220 display with a Yellow Tang in it -?



Howdy folks ! Hope all is well. I have my 220 FOWL tank, that has been in some trouble since Jan. You can check out my diary in the Aggressive forum.Basically back in Jan, my fishes came down with ich, I took all the rocks, started Hypo.....tested and more testing....found out I was using a faulty Hydrometer, which was telling me 1.009 but was really 1.014. So I got a refractometer instead, and then went with Cupramine with a reading of 0.05 for a little over a month. Yesterday I added Cuprisorb and carbon to take out the copper.
So my tank has no rocks, which will go back in, as soon as I get a "0" Copper reading. In my tank right now, I have:
4in Hippo
3in Bluethroat Trigger
3in Niger
3in Yellow
In my 55 gallon QT I have a 3in Purple Tang and a 3in Humu.
I was wondering how should I introduce the Purple into the display. I am just a little worried the Yellow might beat him up. But, I don't have any rocks in the tank, so maybe there won't be any aggression -? Whats my best bet guys -? Thank you



Active Member
goodness, with that large of a tank, there's so much open space i'd think there would be no aggression. but, rocks would help get rid of any aggression because of the ability to hide.
quesiton for you... i assume you coppered your tank? you do realize that silicone and sand absorb copper and there's going to be issues with inverts later on right?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
IMO aggression involves territory BUT with out much in the way of rocks in your tank your fish will always be looking for a place to call their own and that in its self will lead to aggression


Active Member
true. and probably the BEST way would be to remove the existing yellow and purple tang, put in the new one, then reintroduce the other tangs in a few days. that's what is best with clowns


Thanks for the replies guys ! Hey Reno, I know no more inverts cuz of the Cupramine, but the Cuprisorb is doing the job removing the copper. But in the tank right now I have a Blue Hippo and the Yellow, as far as Tang's go. So you're saying to remove the Hippo and the Yellow , then put the Purple in-?
Yea Joe, can't wait to put the rocks back in

crypt keeper

Active Member
I would take the yellow out and throw him in the sump if you see a problem. I would add him with the lights off and just wait it out first. I always thought purples were more aggressive than yellows and being the same size it wouldnt matter.


I agree . I have 2 tangs that were kinda going at it. I removed one, mixed the contents of the tank around and put him in there an hour later and now they are fine. The hippo can probably stay. Its just the yellow and purple look alike with there bodies they wont like each other as much but maybe if you do this they will get along.
+1 For getting the yellow tang out.


Originally Posted by renogaw
goodness, with that large of a tank, there's so much open space i'd think there would be no aggression. but, rocks would help get rid of any aggression because of the ability to hide.
quesiton for you... i assume you coppered your tank? you do realize that silicone and sand absorb copper and there's going to be issues with inverts later on right?
he doesnt need to worry about this because its a fowlr DT. But if he decides to add any inverts later on, i personally know several people who have added cupramine to their dt and later on added some inverts with no issues. I believe it depends on what type of copper you use. Cuppramine seems to be the most non toxic and easiest to remove of all the copper products in the market right now.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have used cupramine in my 40 breeder when I had clowns in it then added a fish that had ICH. I didnt have a qt set up. It was when I was starting this hobby. I just read it killed them they were in there. I took em all out put in a bucket with an air stone. Left my rock in cause I was dumb. I added the cupramine. It worked. I did a 1/2 tank water changes 3 times then added them back in. I have since bought new rock learning what it did. But I have hermits and snails in there now. Same sand. Same filters. Different media. I have a huge hermit about 2 inches there. He has been growing for few months now.


Hey guys ! Well, I put all the rocks back in, the added the Purple tang with the lights off. Now, the lights are on, and my Yellow is going crazy chasing the Purple. He is trying to hid, but the Yellow keeps getting to him. I tried catching the Yellow, but he hides in the rocks. I took a specimen container, and the Purple swim right in. So he's floating around in the container. The Yellow, just takes a few looks at him.So how long should I wait to release him back in -? Or should I just get another Yellow, to even out the aggression -?


getting another yellow tang wouldnt help the immediate issue becuase then you'd have to qt for a month anyway. if the aggression doesnt subside, you may want to take out the yellow for few days and let the purple tang get settled .


More hiding places/territory and adding it with the lights off will help calm things down. Adding rock would work the same as the old method of rearranging things

crypt keeper

Active Member
Catching a yellow tang in a 220 with rock. Man I dont envy you. I would leave it closed for a few more days so that the yellow gets used to him. Then try and see what happens. I would leave the container in there with the top open so the purple can swim in and out of it.


Active Member
Yea, many 'Asian' tanks I've seen, always seem to have a container in there that looks like they're getting ready to introduce a fish. As long as there's enough flow through the container (it's either got holes or is screened/mesh), should be fine in there for a day or two.