how soon can i add livestock?


my tank was set up 2/17/03. 3 green chromis and a sm amt of lr added 2/20. (2/28 added 20-25lbs lr) readings since (3/2= amm.=0, nitrites=5) (3/4=amm=0, nitri=5) (3/5 added 20-25lbs of lr) (3/6 amm=0, nitiri=0, nitra=5) (3/7 added 20lbs ls) (3/8 amm=0, nitri=0, nitra=5) (3/10 amm=0, nitri=0, nitra=10) ph has ranged from 8.1 to 8.3. i was planning on adding 2 or 3 blood red shrimp, would they be a wise first addition?


sorry, i have to learn how to type!!(doh) i tried to align the results in order and ended up entering post b4 i was ready.


Active Member
The blood red shrimp would not be a good 1st addition. According to some wholesalers I've talked to only 1 in 10 survive. They are extremely delicate. Start with a few hermits, snails, and 1 fish. If all is well after a couple of weeks, then you can start thinking about what else to add. Just remember to go slowly.



Originally posted by StacyT
Start with a few hermits, snails, and 1 fish. If all is well after a couple of weeks, then you can start thinking about what else to add. Just remember to go slowly.

Listen to Stacey. I made the mistake of adding too many fish too early and almost killed a beautiful lionfish, yellow tang and 4 chromis. Luckily my LFS will quarintine them for a few weeks while I cycle the tank.


don't put that many fish in your tank at one time, your cycle will get pushed out of whack again... i say just get like a cheap 15$ fish thats pretty hardy