How soon is too soon?


To add a Sebae Anemony and 2 Sebae Clowns?
Tank is 7 weeks old and I've had perfect 0's accross the board every week. PH @ 8.0 - 8.2 for 5 weeks.
ok i honestly have to disagree. clownfish are a pretty hardy fish. they are in the damsel family. and most lfs reccomend damsels to cycle tanks. as for the anemone. what type of lighting do you have and are there any phosphates in your tank?


I have a 'Solar II' light, 3' w/ 2 36W PC bulbs (1- 10,000k and 1- Actinic). I haven't been checking the water, just go to a trusted LFS for the water testing.


You can get the clownfishes right now, but the anemone... WAIT. Why sebae anemones? I'm not sure sebae clowns will live in sebae anemones, you might want to check this out...
<a href="" target="_blank">Clownfishes and Anemones</a>


Did you ever have an ammonia or nitrate spike? If they did not, then your tank did not cycle yet. You did not mention this in either of your 2 posts. If it did not cycle, get the yellow tang back to the LFS, or you will lose it when the tank cycles.
In a new tank, the nitrates, and ammonia can remain a zero levels for up to 8 weeks or so. Please let us know how you cycled your tank. Did you start with live sand and or live rock, etc.


New Member
Do you have any fish or live rock in this tank, anything at all to cycle it. IMO 7 weeks is plenty of time for the tank to cycle. My co-worker has a ten gallon saltwater tank on his desk he only cycled his tank in two weeks with a few damsels. He added a sebae at the end of the second week with a tomato clown and right now the sebae is thriving, it has turned from the white that you mormally get them like, to a brown which means that it is doing very well. The clown loves the anemone and everything seems to be perfect.
I have a ten gallon and I have a bubbletip with a sebae clown and it never goes farther than 5 inches from the anemone!


I put in 20lbs LS and 8lbs LR day 1, along with 2 yellow tail blue damsels on day 2 (they are still alive and VERY healthy looking. The tank spiked at 5 weeks and then leveled off again. I didn't know this was common, thanks for telling me.
I added another 10lbs LR @ week 6 and it looks good so far. The first 5 snails and 5 hermits went in at week 6.5. The next 5 hermits went in yesterday (week 7). So far the "Alge Blenny" is just going to town on the glass and the Yellow Tang looks much better today. The alge is still growing like a weed.