How stupid can people be???


Active Member
EVERYONE should have to get their eyes tested annually in order to keep their license once they start collecting social security.


Active Member
I think everyone over 65 needs full testing, including driving, every year. Of course Az is blue hair central and we have the crashes to go along with that population. How about a geezer on an open highway turning left in front a motorcyclist because "he should have known I was going to turn."? Luckily, the cyclist survived after 3 months in the hospital and having to relearn how to do everything because of the massive brain damage. Or: Bisbee, Az has a round-a-bout to the right. Geezer decided it was shorter to go left 50' instead of going 270° around to the turnoff. Luckily it was a minor head-on crash because people saw the geezer and slammed on their brakes. I could go on and on. Go ahead and say I'm mean-spirited. I demanded the state take both my parents licenses and I've told my wife when I am no longer safe to drive, she can take my license. You get a little less warm and fuzzy when you see people killed and maimed by people on the edge of senility out doing stupid stuff everyday.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///t/389266/how-stupid-can-people-be/20#post_3440390
I think everyone over 65 needs full testing, including driving, every year. Of course Az is blue hair central and we have the crashes to go along with that population. How about a geezer on an open highway turning left in front a motorcyclist because "he should have known I was going to turn."? Luckily, the cyclist survived after 3 months in the hospital and having to relearn how to do everything because of the massive brain damage. Or: Bisbee, Az has a round-a-bout to the right. Geezer decided it was shorter to go left 50' instead of going 270° around to the turnoff. Luckily it was a minor head-on crash because people saw the geezer and slammed on their brakes. I could go on and on. Go ahead and say I'm mean-spirited. I demanded the state take both my parents licenses and I've told my wife when I am no longer safe to drive, she can take my license. You get a little less warm and fuzzy when you see people killed and maimed by people on the edge of senility out doing stupid stuff everyday.
Aside from calling the elderly geezers, I agree. When a persons ability goes, they really can't tell and it can happen at any age. Family must step up and say something and often don't. The family doctor should also be able to call in and make a request to remove the privledges until they are tested.
You can't just clip the wings...the elderly needs someone they can depend on for a ride to the grocery store, and doctors appointments.


I agree with both sides of the coin here. To me you have older accident prone people and then you have the "idiot" older accident prone person. The older accident prone person will make a mistake with judging distance or have an issue with some sort of medical condition like Parkinson's or dementia etc... and will admit what they did, or tell a small lie like they thought it was farther back then that or there foot slipped. You also have that "idiot" older accident prone person that for some reason thinks its your fault the crash happend when its obvious its not. An example i know of was a guy here in Iowa went into the ditch and hit a tree. He then tried to get money out of the person who owned the tree because "he moved the tree out in front of the guy." To me the stories the OP and i both said fit into this category.
I also think that the term "idiot" may not fully apply here but instead they just sometimes don't think about what they are saying because most of the time with the older "idiot" accident group it may be due to a medical condition as well such as dementia or sun downers. It seems that some dementia patients start to revert back to a child like mentality of , blame anything as long as its not me..... and I don't care if it was possible. Also some of the sun downers start to see things that aren't there. My grandpa has sun downers and the startings of dementia and one nite didn't sleep in his bed with my grandma because he thought the bed would be too crowded being his dad was sleeping in there too...... His dad has been dead for 50 years. He has also tore the tailgate off of the truck and then claimed he had not driven that truck for 2 months...... even though my dad saw him drive off with the truck in good condition and return damaged........... I could keep listing things off........ So hes not acting like an "idiot", hes just acting like a child. The moral of the story with my grandpa is we have taken all of the keys out of all the vehicles and tractors even though he still has his license.