How to add a sump?

So I've been doing some reading on sumps and I think it would be a good addition to my 10 gallon FOWLR tank. I'll be moving at the end of August so that's when I want to add the sump. I figure it will be easier to do then because the tank will be empty except for the sand. That way I won't have to set it up just to take it down and set it up again a month later. For now, I want to get all my research done and the equipment collected. I have a 5.5 gallon tank that I was planning on using as the sump. As far as I understand, the sump would add more water to the system helping my water quality be more stable. It also would contain my filter and heater so I can hide some equipment. My only problem is figuring out how to attach it to the main tank. I don't want to drill any holes in the tanks. I'd much rather have tubes coming out of the top through the hood where a filter would normally go.
My tank is 10 gallons. It has an aquaclear 20 filter which filters up to 20 gallons. Also 10 lbs of carribsea sand, 8.5 lbs of live rock and a 50 watt heater that I haven't needed yet. I will need it November-March. The hood has 2 25 watt bulbs build in that are on for 8 hrs each day. I just got a Rio Plus 50 powerhead that pumps 69 GPH. I bought the powerhead with the intention of putting it in my new water bucket so that it is constantly being mixed and ready whenever I need it. I can add it to the tank if I need to. What equipment will I need to attach the 5.5 gallon sump to my 10 gallon tank, and how do I go about adding it?


Well-Known Member
I honestly wouldn't put a sump on anything less than 20g...
I would look into other ways of stabilizing the water that aren't as expensive. You should start with new sand anyways when you move your tank,... or completely wash out the old sand in a pillow case to remove any kind of nutrient buildup. What you do is take a small glass divider on one corner of the tank. Buy yourself an Aquaclear 30 filter and modify it with some egg crate to hold macroalgae. You can easily clip an LED light to the filter back.
The glass divider should be large enough where it can hold your 50w heater and an ATO float switch. Behind your glass divider becomes your sump. The sump area should be just big enough for a float switch from an automatic top off system and a heater. Your Aquaclear 20 can be put beside the aquaclear 30 and cover the rest of the tank with enough flow to keep the system healthy. The Aquaclear 20 will continue to act as your mechanical and chemical filter and there is a possibility of putting your heater in that chamber as well to get it out of the way.
Underneath the tank, you can use your 5.5g tank as a water reservoir and use an aqualifter pump for your top off system. This is a very simple design, but it works great with smaller tanks and it keeps the inside of the tank looking very nice and equipment free.
Smoky glass is recommended, or if you have it available, black acrylic. I would also paint the back of the tank with black paint - or whatever color you like.
I'll draw a diagram to make my concepts more clear.


Well-Known Member
I personally prefer a JBJ Auto Top Off system - it's not too cheap and it's not too expensive. It's I think about $70. What it does is it keeps your salinity perfectly stable... and that's a real benefit when dealing with smaller aquariums... The two most important and often overlooked water parameters is temperature and salinity. In smaller tanks, a little evaporation can cause salinity swings, which is detrimental to the aquatic life found within.
A refugium is a "refuge" for microscopic organisms to hide and thrive without the threat of predation. It also creates a way for macroalgae to grow without being eaten by herbivores. Macroalgae removes nutrients from the water column by incorporating it into it's new tissues. It thrives on ammonia, nitrate and phosphates. Macroalgae removes contaminates from the system and keeps the pH stable, which is also important in smaller aquariums.
So the ATO is about $70. How much would it cost to set up a Refugium? I won't set it up until I move so I have a month and a half to figure it out and save the money.
I don't think I need an ATO system. I only top off about a quart every 2-3 days. But the Refugium would be nice to have. Where would I get the stuff for that?