Luv, Good Job, was is tough? I chased mine forever! then I flushed it.. LOL I was IRATE at the time. Hmm, As for the feather duster, It doesnt look good, BUT sometimes they will come FAR out of thier worm tube then retract. Take your finger or a turkey baster and blow on it and see if it retracts. Wait a day for two and see what it does. If it just lays there, I'd say it may have died. They dont send out and toxins when they die like anenome's, so dont worry.
Yes Francis, I just cycled my tank with them then took them out! . Some LFS will take them in trade, they are the common "cycling" fish. Cheap and Hardy.. LOL
Too bad about the cleaner wrasse, but hopefully you didnt pay too much for him. How about a dwarf angel, one that is reef safe? I'll look them up and see if I can find one. That would be pretty. Or some Banggi's OR a bi-color blennie, They are IMO one of the coolest fish to watch, they have a huge personality. OR a 6 line wrasse.. they are easy to keep, stay small and are reef safe.
A skunk shrimp should be OK,(check description under inverts on SWF) OR a cleaner shrimp, they set up cleaning stations in your tank to help keep parasites off of your fish, its cool to watch the shrimp clean under the gills of fish...
Keep in touch, hope this helps, Kim