How to add or change water?


My tank is 35 & was only 3/4 full. 3 months old now. I used natural sea water untill now & would like to add more, atleast 5 more gallons. Can i use marine salt to make an artificial ocean water? will it be healthy? or use natural sea water again? I already have 3 anemones & 1 bubble coral inside with 1 lobster & 2 yellow fin damsels. thank you!



Originally posted by Francis
My tank is 35 & was only 3/4 full. 3 months old now. I used natural sea water untill now & would like to add more, atleast 5 more gallons. Can i use marine salt to make an artificial ocean water? will it be healthy? or use natural sea water again? I already have 3 anemones & 1 bubble coral inside with 1 lobster & 2 yellow fin damsels. thank you!


Take the anemones back to your LFS(local fish store).
They need a mature tank,atleast 6 months old,and very good lightning.What kind of lights do you have?
Also where do you get the natural sea water from?
If you want to start making your own salt water,just buy some good salt(reef crystals is a good brand)and some good water,like ro/di or ro.
BTW,I would get rid of the lobster,what kind is it?(and damsels)


i'm not sure if i can put back the anemones to the LFS where i've bought it. and the other species. you really think i should do that? is there any other way for help?
The LFS here have ready natural water to buy. So, i cannot just add water to my old one? are you suggesting to me to start over again?


Well its your tank and your choice.
A few pointers if I may:
1. With the tank only 3/4 full you no doubt will have much in the way of salt spray and perhaps you will be losing salintiy which should be maintained at 1.025 or 35ppm. I would keep it full and top off with RO/Di water. Keeping it full will add water volume and make things more stable.
2. Having different species of anemones in one tank can be hazerdous, if they meet they could sting each other to death. Lighting is very important to this photosynthetic animal. For the least amount of lighting you should have 4+ watts per gallon of PC, VHO or even MH lighting. Normal ouput is no good for corals.
3. As suggested a synthetic sea salt can be purchased, and by adding it to Ro/Di water to the proper salinity, mixed for at least 24 hours with powerhead and heater to match the temp of tank, can be added. It is usually suggested to do regular water changes per week or two weeks to help maintain water quality, trace elements, and improve the overall system.
4. Depending on where the natual sea water came from it could be polluted, unless its something like that Catalina water. Just taking it off shore isn't good enough.
Good luck and let us know if there is anything else.


yeah, you can swithch to homemade saltwater... I have used Instant Ocean, Reef Crystals, and Tropic Marin... good luck with all... some might wonder why I change... I like diversity!!!

oh yeah, in addition to more "good" light, feed your anenome... brine shrimp and cyclopeeze works well for starters and silversides maybe 2 times/week... I also like the brine as it gets the anenome perked up looking for food...


I see. I thought it would affect my tank if i make sythetic sea water. I already have here a instant sea, marine salt. And i just have to to mixed it with Ro/Di Water. Right?...with power head for 24hrs. Can i use purified water? Tnx guys!


RO/DI water is purified water, What do you mean by purified?
If that means you have a way to remove heavy metals, chlorine, chlorimine, nitrates, phosphates and other impurities then go for it.


Purified, as in purified water can be bought in the market or groceries. Now i know RO/DI, means purified :D
Now i can go change water! Thank you Thomas!:)



Originally posted by Francis
Purified, as in purified water can be bought in the market or groceries. Now i know RO/DI, means purified :D
Now i can go change water! Thank you Thomas!:)

I suggest you buy RO water(or ro/di if you know where they sell it).I wouldn't buy any other kind of water.


Reverse Osmosis/Deionized.
Several folks have RO/DI units that they make there water from.
Some go to water stores and purchase it.
Some have LFS who make the RO/DI water.
Some get it at water vending machines like at Miejer.
It is in my opinion the best water to use. Heavy metals have been filtered out as well as nitrates, phosphates and other pollutants.


Thank you Thomas. I never new this. Ive been useing my well water. I will check with my lfs about this water.