how to approach a random girl


Just smile and say hi...if she doesn't find you creepy...she will talk to you...and take it from there...if she turns away and runs in the other direction...go are done for the day

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
without falling apart on the way to her?
Do you normally have problems with body parts falling off when talking to a girl? I would see a doctor about that.
And at the age of 29, if you haven't figured it out yet, I doubt you will.


Originally Posted by keleighr
I have a friend going through the same thing.
oh really? how is he doing? any suggestions? tips? recommendations?, etc.


Active Member
Casual conversation. You dont want to seem to "desperate" but if you come off confident and nonchalant, it'll lower her guard. Most good looking women, these days, are so used to being hit on...mostly be creepy jerks, that the minute a guy makes eye contact or starts to say something, they automatically go on the defense.
Use your environment to your advantage. If you're work, ask her how her day is going. If you're out at a bar or a club, the worst thing you can do is ask to buy her a drink. That's been used soooo many time and some women automatically think "he's trying to get me drunk". The one thing I've found, at a bar, that works more often than not...if she's with a group of other women,buy them all drinks, not just her.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Casual conversation. You dont want to seem to "desperate" but if you come off confident and nonchalant, it'll lower her guard. Most good looking women, these days, are so used to being hit on...mostly be creepy jerks, that the minute a guy makes eye contact or starts to say something, they automatically go on the defense.
Use your environment to your advantage. If you're work, ask her how her day is going. If you're out at a bar or a club, the worst thing you can do is ask to buy her a drink. That's been used soooo many time and some women automatically think "he's trying to get me drunk". The one thing I've found, at a bar, that works more often than not...if she's with a group of other women,buy them all drinks, not just her.

Ok where do you live!!!!
Cause my friends I love when a guy buys us drinks!! and if you want to buy the whole group of us drinks then we will love you even more!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
oh really? how is he doing? any suggestions? tips? recommendations?, etc.

He is being a big Ole CHICKEN!!!
Have to threaten to pimp slap him to get him in gear!!
DO IT!!!!
DO IT!!!!!
DO IT!!!
Go talk to her. Stop being a chicken!!! If an arm or an ear falls off, BIG deal!! Re grow it like our star fish friends!!


buy them all drinks??? cmon, that's horrible advice. in a bar, you sit there and act like you're waiting for a friend and let the night take it's course. women cant handle not being the center of attention, once you pay them no attention, youve got theirs.
i've heard from a number of women the following....
men are on earth because v*br*t*rs cant buy them drinks. youre a tool if you buy a woman, let alone her whole group of friend a drink.


i have one minute, two minutes at the most to pull this off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
i have one minute, two minutes at the most to pull this off.

Then jump...................................


no i mean when i go, at her work, that's the time i have to do this. i don't know what circumstances your friend is in, but i have to be short.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
no i mean when i go, at her work, that's the time i have to do this. i don't know what circumstances your friend is in, but i have to be short.

Then JUMP..............
This means you have nothing to lose, do it.

Funny I gave my friend the same advice about smiling too.
A studied recently done showed that more than 90% of people returned a friendly smile!

Going to start caling you Pollo


Active Member
Try it for yourself
Beofre you even talk to this girl Smile at three or four random people.
A real nice big smile and see the results for yourself.


that i have done numerous times and yes it's true a smile from me usually prompts a smile in return.
a friend of mine also told me to smile. in fact, she's my spy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishguy_40
buy them all drinks??? cmon, that's horrible advice. in a bar, you sit there and act like you're waiting for a friend and let the night take it's course. women cant handle not being the center of attention, once you pay them no attention, youve got theirs.
i've heard from a number of women the following....
men are on earth because v*br*t*rs cant buy them drinks. youre a tool if you buy a woman, let alone her whole group of friend a drink.

You pay them no attention and you'll end up sitting on that barstool, ALONE, for the rest of the night...that's not the way I want to "let the night run it's course".
You buy the group drinks, so not to single out one woman, immediately. You do that and her friends are going to whine and complain about how you bought HER drinks and not them. The last thing you want is for a womans friend to talk bad about you, especially when you havent even really gotten to know her yet.
Some women are aggressive enough to come over and talk to you, with that "sit on your barstool" trick...but, the likelyhood of that happening, is about 1 out of 10 times. You find youself in a bar, where you're ignoring women and they still come find'd better look around, very carefully, cause those are working girls.
You may call me a tool, my friend...but I'd guarantee that by the the end of the night, we'd find you still sitting on that bar stool, "waiting for your friend".