how to approach a random girl


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
Ok where do you live!!!!
Cause my friends I love when a guy buys us drinks!! and if you want to buy the whole group of us drinks then we will love you even more!!

Exactly. By buying you all drinks, I dont single out one woman. Even if buying you all drinks causes all of you to "love me even more", it lowers your guard and you dont see me as a slutty, desperate guy that's just trying to pick one of you up, to take home.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
that i have done numerous times and yes it's true a smile from me usually prompts a smile in return.
a friend of mine also told me to smile. in fact, she's my spy.

Spy huh.
Well sounds kind of stalkerish to me.


my next question is more serious.
how do i get rid of her ape-like manager so he doesn't go king kong on me?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
without falling apart on the way to her?
If you are scared of being rejected odds are you will be...Confidence, eye contact, a smile and a compliment go a long way. Besides, you only live once and what is the point of being scared that a girl will reject you...If you dont ask you will never find out... Good Luck Man... often times there is no need for a pick up line, a smile and an introduction is a great ice breaker...

darth tang

Active Member
If you only have 1-2 minutes when seeing this girl just be straight foward. a smile insint going to illect enough time for a worht while conversation to get her interested enough unless you are Jonny Depp or Orlando Bloom. I would use the line "I'M RICK JAMES, *&^%$! That will atleast get her attention.
Disclaimer: This probably won't work but it would be funny and may make her laugh. Especially if wearing a Long black Jerry curled wig. The line will however cause her king kong manager to give pause for jumping on you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Exactly. By buying you all drinks, I dont single out one woman. Even if buying you all drinks causes all of you to "love me even more", it lowers your guard and you dont see me as a slutty, desperate guy that's just trying to pick one of you up, to take home.

Sorry but I will honest with you.
We don't care what your intentions are. We are going to see how many drinks we can get from you.
I am sorry but that is the truth.
Now if you happen to look like Brad Pitt or the Rock then..............

Who knows


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
If you are scared of being rejected odds are you will be...Confidence, eye contact, a smile and a compliment go a long way. Besides, you only live once and what is the point of being scared that a girl will reject you...If you dont ask you will never find out... Good Luck Man... often times there is no need for a pick up line, a smile and an introduction is a great ice breaker...

This is SCARY cause this is the EXACT same advice I gave my FRIEND!!!!
Amazing.....hmmmm....he seems to think that it won't work.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
Now if you happen to look like Brad Pitt or the Rock then..............

Then you will already have have had Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie or be married and have no need to hit on this girl.


AW2 ---
Sorry but I will honest with you.
We don't care what your intentions are. We are going to see how many drinks we can get from you.
I am sorry but that is the truth.
Now if you happen to look like Brad Pitt or the Rock then..............
Who knows
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and there you have it from a woman...


if i knew i'd get hit by a bus tomorrow i'd totally do it right now!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Then you will already have have had Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie or be married and have no need to hit on this girl.

I know.
But there are twins out there, somewhere!!!


whatever you do, don't go up to her and say "you're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen, can i take a picture of you..."
i knew a dumbass that asked if he should do that once...


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
Sorry but I will honest with you.
We don't care what your intentions are. We are going to see how many drinks we can get from you.
I am sorry but that is the truth.
Now if you happen to look like Brad Pitt or the Rock then..............

Who knows

There's a difference between guys who will buy a girl drinks all night, to get her drunk, to get opposed to the guy that will buy drinks and actually have a conversation. You can buy $500 worth of drinks, but it'll never be equal to good conversation.


Originally Posted by fishguy_40
buy them all drinks??? cmon, that's horrible advice. in a bar, you sit there and act like you're waiting for a friend and let the night take it's course. women cant handle not being the center of attention, once you pay them no attention, youve got theirs.
i've heard from a number of women the following....
men are on earth because v*br*t*rs cant buy them drinks. youre a tool if you buy a woman, let alone her whole group of friend a drink.
you're a moron... do you have a g/f or wife? It wouldn't surprise me any if you don't. Yes, girls love being the center of attention, so why would they waiste their time on you if you're not going to give that to them? And that quote should tell you to buy her a drink, otherwise, she'd be better off with one of those amazing devices...
you should just talk to her, and be yourself. We can't stand fakes, and guys who ignores us to get our attention just come off as arogant pricks.
Just do it, you have nothing to lose!


Originally Posted by jdragunas
whatever you do, don't go up to her and say "you're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen, can i take a picture of you..."
i knew a dumbass that asked if he should do that once...
what an idiot.