How to arrange LR ...


Just wondering if there is any special way I should arrange the live rock I am getting tonight ? Is there any certain shapes of rock or sizes I should look for ? The lfs has 3 diffirent types , that just came in tonight, fuji being the cheapest...35 gal hex...


Active Member
however you want, and can keep it stable, you will probably do it several times b4 you are happy with it and it is mostly trial and error, until you find something stable that you like personally
ours is built up from the bottom, and leaning back against eh back glass, jus try to keep holes for he fish ot swim in and out of too

sinner's girl

however you want. You may want to leave some room b/w the lr and the back of the tank for fish to sleep/hide. also any little caves, you make are cool. My clowns love swimming under the lr.


I agree with everyone else it depends on how you like it. I rearranged my lr about 4 times until I was happy. But like the others said make caves and leave space for your fish and mobile inverts to get thru.


Most important is to make sure that nothing is going to topple over (or be toppled over). Broken glass is probably the worst thing that can happen!
Heavier stuff and 'clumsier' stuff should be on the bottom.


And remember that whatever caves and spaces you make might fill up to a degree and be smaller in the months to come, as your tank matures and grows in.


Thanks, I got home from the lfs with a nice selection of lr... Lots of life in this stuff, as luck would have it they were unloading it off of the truck when I called , so I got the pick of the litter when I got there... Will most of the life die off and regenerate? Or will it remain through the cycling process?


Active Member
it depends on how they got it, and how it has been handled(in particular, how long out of water)
but there will be some die off,
your tank is empty??, if so, the die off will give you what you need to get the cycle going, and much fo the die off will regrow
HTH and good luck


Active Member
let me rephrase, i have my pile in the middle of the tank, and built it up , placing the smaller lighter pieces in a fashion to create a cave or tunnel along the back wall, i do not actually lean the pile and the weight agianst the back wall, so if the glass is good it should not be a problem now this does not mean it was a used or new tank, flaws (although there when purchased) can appear anytime in glass especially whith the stress we place on them, with all that water
this is a matter of preference(we all have them), some do some don't prefer this method, but the water has much more weight and pressure than the rock will, and although there is alot of debate on this issue, i know of tanks that have been this way for over 10 yrs, and one has 1200+lbs of rock layed out in the asme fahion(the tank is 715 gallons and can be viewed by all, online or at his store)


Active Member
i generally don't post links to vendors, but htis place is actually a lfs, more than an online, besides, his prices do not compare to swf, so is the address, his gallery has pics of it, and it is beautiful, enjoy