How to attatch colt frags


I bought 2 small frags of colt coral last night, both about 2-3 inches long. The problem is, no matter where i put them, they get moved around by the current and end up stuck under other rocks.
How can i secure these in one spot so this does not happen?


I have 2 large Colts that I frag all the time....I pierce the small piece with a plastic toothpick and attach to rubble rock with an elastic band. In about 2 weeks the colt will attach to the rock and you can slide the toothpick out. Try to find the right spot on the rubble so you dont have to make the elastic band super tight, this may cause the coral to come away from the toothpick.
Good Luck


Oh wow. I did not know you could do that. It is really OK to "stab" it? That wont damage it at all? What about tying it on with a small pice of string? would that work just as good?
I've fragged many colts, and they can be a little tricky at times. there is a couple ways you can do this. lets look at a few ways.
1) use a super glue gel. I prefer zap gel. you can get it at most hobby stores, or craft stores. take the cutting out of the water, and glue it to a small rock. let the glue dry for a few minutes out of the water. next, take a piece of netting(get that at the craft store also), and put around the cutting and rock. use a rubber band to make sure the net stays around the coral. place back in the tank, and let the coral attach itself to the rock. after about a week or two, take the netting off, and there you go.
2) take a needle and thread, a small rock, and the cutting. put the needle through the coral, and sew it to the rock. don't worry about hurting the coral, it will be ok. after a week or two, you can cut the string and the coral will be attached.
3) put the coral between a few small rocks in a low water flow area. let the cutting sit and do not disturb it! it should attach in a couple weeks.
i use many of theese methods in my coral probogation buisiness with much success. all you have to do is be patient, and you will have success too. theese methods can be used on most corals, not only colts. hope this helped you out some. if you have any more questions, just ask. :)


Active Member
I agree with all of LORDOFTHEREEF's sugestions. I have used all of these methods & they all will work fine. Its up to you on with method you are most comfortable using.


Thanks all-- i did the needle and thread approach and tied them both to a couple small shells-- they are finally staying put :)