how to breed ocellaris' ??


Hey guys, before I go to LFS to purchase my ocellaris' I was curious on encouraging breeding. I want to buy a couple of tank raised so they will have a better chance with a coral host. Do I just buy to small clowns and introduce them to the tank at the same time, or do I buy one small and one larger and introduce one after the other?? What seems to be the best way???
Thanks in advance!!!
Shawn:happy: :happy:


Active Member
Viper, I bought that book two weeks ago and I can't put it down. It gives, not only advice of breeding of clowns, but nutritional needs and care advice you would overlook. I never knew diversity of food was as important as anything.

bang guy

If breeding is your goal I'd suggest buying a breeding or at least bonded pair.
If you just want a pair then just adding two small Ocellaris will usually safely end in a bonded pair.
Great book :)