How-To Build A 200g Glass Aquarium


Active Member
TurningTim PSU where you at? I got plenty of room!
i live in Pennsylvania, but ive been toc olorado to it out there!
Never underestimate the power of experience over youth!
haha yes, so this is what my father always tells me too!!


Active Member
Yea you have to factor in the altitude change . 1 beer at sea level is 2-3 here . I worked with a guy that had just moved from texas and braged about being able to drink . So My brother and I took him camping up on the devide . He brings all these fosters oil cans to drink well after one of them he falls of the log he sitting on and then gets up and passes out in his tent. The next morning My brother and I are up around 4:30 scouting the valley out. Watching Elk and bow hunters . We headed back to camp and wake up sleeping beauty about 8:30 Mr power drinker had the hang over from hell going on. He wanted no part of scouting the other side of the ridge or sighting in the rifles.
Moral of the story is: A beer on the beach is worth 6 on the devide.

Oh yea lets not forget we want this tank to hold water?


Active Member
shhhhh! mitzel your not supposed to tell him that!!!!
Well the deed is done and the tank is in pcs. Big pcs, mind you! Details later!
Sorry mad, no explosions!


That project is amazing!!!!! Props to you all the way on the build.. In response to the guy that said time is money. Yes I am sure he built the tank to save money but it was I am quessing the enjoyment of seeing the final product.


Active Member
Ok I set down and plugged in some numbers and this is what I got from --
Tank Length = 96 inches
Tank Width = 46.5 inches
Tank Height = 23.250 inches
Tank volume is calculated as
Tank Volume = 449.3 Gallons
The sumps and over flows were figured on the idea that there would be two sumps one refuge and three over flows. This might change as soon as I get into the auto top off system. If I can rig it so one auto top off system will service all three thats what the plan is. other wise I'll go to one sump one refuge and a topoff for each.
Tank Length = 96 inches
Tank Width = 46.5 inches
Height of Water above Overflow = 2 inches
Flow through sump = 1400 gph x 3
Sump volume is calculated as
Sump Volume need to handle tank overflow = 38.6 Gallons x3
Recommended Minimum Volume for sump = 52.6 Gallons x 3
Using the following input parameters
Gallons per Hour = 1400 x3
Drain and Overflow sizes are calculated as
Recommended minimum drain pipe diameter = 1.55 inches each
Recommended minimum linear overflow size = 21 inches
As soon as I get a better idea of the plumbing and can work the numbers I'll update


Originally Posted by TurningTim
shhhhh! mitzel your not supposed to tell him that!!!!
Well the deed is done and the tank is in pcs. Big pcs, mind you! Details later!
Sorry mad, no explosions!


Active Member
The silicone has to be 100% pure and made for tanks. I've also heard of folks using one of the name brands (GE etc.) with good results. It just CAN'T have any additives, latex, mold/mildew inhibitors.


Active Member
mitzel, what dimensions are you using, inside or outside? I'm not sure if the multiple sumps are gonna work, but I really don't know. what would happen if just one of the pumps quit? It seems to me that your just gonna have 3 times the cleaning.
The power draw I think would also be increased. This is something we will also have to think about, heaters, chillers, lights, pump, skimmer..........

I guess what I was thinking (not that it matters) but using the far back corner for the OF. Maybe on the diagonal to the corner. I haven't done the math but 2 x 1.5 drains into a big sump (150 gal practice
) located up at the front corner. You could have a lift off panel for access to the pump and skimmer. I think if we make the stand beefy enough we could go with 32" center to center on the supports. Right now (off the top of my head) 3 laminated 2x6s lapped at the corners for the entire frame. Prolly incorporate some mortise and tenon joinery. Glue, screw and bolt.
If we're into cruching numbers maybe start another thread about the whole project? Get a little more input? I may start one on this tank I wanna build.
Just a couple thoughts

Sorry again mad, I'm not finished yet theres still a chance

Opps forgot about the FUGE :thinking:


Active Member
I have started a thread for my tank over in the aggressive forums . I figure it might help out the people that are thinking of a shark / ray tank.


if you dont mind me asking, how much $$ did it cost you to build that with the glass mainly not the wood? Also how is it holding up? very very Nice tank!!!


Active Member
brrlong, I think PSU is outta town for a couple weeks. But I think he had said $300.00 to $350.00 for the glass. It was in another thread.


Active Member
IM BACKKK, unfortunatly. The Bahamas was amazing to say the least and i stayed at the atlantis so i got to watch sharks, rays, fish, etc. swim around ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG.
but anyway i feel like ive missed SOO much..but im trying to catch up!! :jumping:
jds31788 how do u know what kind of sillicon caulking is ok for the fish??
i used silicone called AQUARIUM can order it or , i bought mine at my pet store
payne66801 That project is amazing!!!!! Props to you all the way on the build..
thanks for the kind words..i really appreciate it!!

TurningTim brrlong, I think PSU is outta town for a couple weeks. But I think he had said $300.00 to $350.00 for the glass. It was in another thread.
thats correct, depending on where you live and what kind of glass you get you can get it for cheaper or pay more for it



Originally Posted by mitzel
I know you cant speak for my local glass shop but IF
I did go with tempered glass . they should be able to drill it for me right?
you can get it drilled and then get it tempered cost a bit more but if you want it tempered that's the way to go


Active Member
ya its a real bummer now that im back after bieng there for 10 days, but i gotta take care of all my animals i am!
ive been reading posts for 2 days now and im still not caught up..i give up!!
but the good news is that i see some people are starting to think about DIY tank's...once enough people start building there own LFS's will have to lower there prices!! or not .....


Active Member
psu, where did you find your glass? I've called around and the best price I can get for the pcs I need to replace is like $400.00 and thats for 1/2" x 53" x 17" (tempered), 1/2" x 54" x 26". That dosen't include getting the other pcs cut down! Whats up with that? Did you go wholesale or something? Do you know anyway to cut 1/2" DIY style?
Thanks Tim


Active Member
honestly, the 1/2" glass is going to be alot of money due to thickness. And as i said this is the worst part of building the tank is trying ot find the cheapest glass. i got my glass from a small glass company,, but when i say small it is the 3 largest in the area, the other quotes i was gettig were at least 300 dollars more than what i paid.. so you will go through this. the cuts shouldnt cost you much, i hope anyway. Cutting glass that thick yourself if you have never done it befroe is a BAD idea, yes you CAN do it but not evan i would attempt it in 1/2" , you also have to remeber how precise you need these cuts, as this glass will be holding lots of water! give me the exact dimensions of your glass that your getting cut?(i think there in ur post but i dont know if thats all) and iw ill call and telly ou a fair price that i get . also how many gallons is this for, that you want 1/2" ?? thats THICK glass and can hold at least 7-800 gallons of water!!! if your only building a 200 or 300 you dont need that glass.. let me know whats up and i can help ya out