How-To Build A 200g Glass Aquarium


Active Member
I was looking around and I went to I think someone mentioned that earlier. Anyways I put in some measurements that I thought would be good, 72" X 24" x 24" and it came out to about 180 gal. Could I use 3/8 inch for everything except the back and then get 1/2 inch for the back?
I am going to have to look around for good inexpensive glass. I had trouble when I was trying to build a smaller tank because I was looking around at those major home improvement stores and they only had 1/4 inch glass I believe. I will have to check out glass cutting places, they should have more selection.


Active Member
IMO you can use 3/8" for the whole tank and still be able to drill the holes, just make sure that the peice your drilling isnt tempered and thats its plate glass, but if your drilling i would go thicker on the whole tank, i duno if i would just go bigger on the back piece..i would also try to keep the holes as small as possible. IMO plywood with glass or acrylic is the way to go if you want a nice close loop system


Active Member
First PSU, that avitar is freakin' me out! :scared:
Check this out! My practice pc for my built in overflow.

Now if I can only do it to the real thing!

I'm gonna go with 10" from each side and 6-8 in the center. I'll prolly put the whole thing up on a thread end of next week. Going to do the holes first and hopefully not blow the whole thing up!


Active Member
Ok, got another idea to toss out there. So I build the tank without drilling but then install a sort of false wall of black acyrlic internal across the back, this would allow me to have all the plumbing coming over the top of the back but be hidden behind the false wall. I would probably need an inch or two of space to run all the pipes and then have holes in the acyrlic for the suctions and returns for the closed loops.


Is this the same method you use for acrylic tanks?
I need to build a sump/fuge, and people say acrylic is easy to work with, but I have no idea where to begin. Do i use aquarium silicone on all the edges, and just follow your instructions on here? Make a 2x4 surround to hold it stiff?


Active Member
No don't use silicone! It does not adhere to acrylic. You need to use a solvent weld. Weld-on is a good choice. Its not that hard to work with but less forgiving than glass. A sump/fuge would be a great project to start with b/c you really don't care what it looks like. I just made an HOB OF. first time using acrylic and it wasn't that difficult.


yeah as in my other thread the room issue I might have..I think I might spend a few bucks for some acrylic if I can find where to order it, then find where to get weld-on also, and see if I can build this


Active Member
email me i can let you know where to get the weld-on you will need if you cant find it locally
hey time shoot me an email i havent talked to you in awhile and wondering how everything is working out for you


Hey you can build me a tank il pay you u to do it to so anytime your in the jersey area send me a message cause I cant even build legos.. :joy:


HAHAHA thats cool as hell we should get together sometime..and one thing I was thinking my friend used to work for dupont and they used to throw sheets of bullet proof glass away cause they would get this little tiny specs in them and we used it for a beer pong table but anyway I was thinking how stong do you think that stuff would be to use . He doesnt work there anymore but im sure he can still get it I have some pieces laying around Il take a pic tomorrow and show you but man is this stuff is thick as hell its like a sandwich.


here it isit seems to be acrylic doesnt feel like glass and it comes in 6ft long x 4ft wide sheets and is 3/4 inch thick. What do you suppose you could build with this stuff. :thinking:


you paid 500 for materials and allllllllllllllllllllllll that time? for $200 more you could have bought a brand new 210 gallon all glass tank drilled


Active Member
philgmiami you paid 500 for materials and allllllllllllllllllllllll that time? for $200 more you could have bought a brand new 210 gallon all glass tank drilled
1.) Not in my couldnt buy anythign close to that for that price that your stating..
2.) you also cannot say that you "created" the actuall habitat for your fish can you? its very rewarding, anyone can go spend money...
3.) when i build a 500 gallon tank thats on the way next for 500 dollars where can you beat that price?
not attacking you phil but just wondering??


why did you add 3 inches to the stand from instead of 4 if you using 2x4s


hey, about the question, well a 2x4 is actually a 3.5 x 1.5 piece of wood. that was the question. i had to measure a 2x4 to get the answer. my glass dimensons are going to be 67long by 28 wide at 24 tall with 3/8ths glass. 2long braceing pieces and added 4 wide braces. total cost in plate glass 370.55. for 10 pieces i dont think its that bad. 195 gallon tank. been looking at -- for additional input. the stand is built but the finishing wood not added yet.