How To Build A Nano?


hey guys....
so I bought a standard 10 gal tank from ***** the other day. im going to DIY a nano! what im thinking is this:
I want to build a rear filtration similar to that of the nanocube, aquapod, ect. What is the best material to use to superate the filtration from the tank? how would i go about drilling holes into the plastic so I can fit tubing and all that fun stuff? my lighting situation i believe is going to be 48 watts 1 bulb actinic white and one actinic blue. i have bought a rio powerhead and i feel pretty comfortable on how to position that in comparison to the filter pads. any tips would be helpful!


you want to divide the inside of a tank to house your filters and things. this is going to be a small tank if i read that right i think it will be cool if done but alot of work for a 10 gallon


Just hang a Aqua Clear 110 hob filter unit modded into a resivoir on the 10 gal anbd be done with it.,The AC110 is a perfectr match to provide mechanical filtration and provide a place to establish a fuge and also provide sufficieint current flow within the tank. Also gives a place to put a heater......Takes about 10 minutes itme max to mod a AC110 for this.


I just built my 10 that way
Materials: silicone, plexiglass, spray paint, filter media, 1 power head, razor blade, dremel
* measure off the plexiglass and score it with the razor blade, then snap it in half so its the right size
* Measure another small piece to section the new filter in half and cut it
* dremel off a few slits on the top of the filter for overflow
* then dremel off slits in the bottom of the dividing piece
* drill a hole for the power head outake
* silicone the pieces into the tank
* place in the media and power head
*paint off the sectioned filter

Hope that helps


Originally Posted by Balltung75
I just built my 10 that way
Materials: silicone, plexiglass, spray paint, filter media, 1 power head, razor blade, dremel
* measure off the plexiglass and score it with the razor blade, then snap it in half so its the right size
* Measure another small piece to section the new filter in half and cut it
* dremel off a few slits on the top of the filter for overflow
* then dremel off slits in the bottom of the dividing piece
* drill a hole for the power head outake
* silicone the pieces into the tank
* place in the media and power head
*paint off the sectioned filter

Hope that helps
This is cool... Looks like a fun project...
Can you post a few more pictures at different angles??? ***)


i actually set up a 5 gal standard hex with aquaclear filter and a rio 180 pump for extra water flow...any guess on how long a 5 gal takes to cycle? all im going to put in there is a mantis shrimp and a few zoo frags. thanks


Originally Posted by bigpete
i actually set up a 5 gal standard hex with aquaclear filter and a rio 180 pump for extra water flow...any guess on how long a 5 gal takes to cycle? all im going to put in there is a mantis shrimp and a few zoo frags. thanks

sorry its actually a marineland hang on with a biowheel.


this looks kinda cool and easy....but what is the point of the first "area" the overflow I dont see any filter in there (on your pic) where and what would you put in there?


I didnt put the heater there because i built it to small and it wont fit. Im looking to buy a smaller one. There is filter median in one side as well as a power head in the other
other angle

the media is upside down but the sponges float so i had to flip it


well that 1st pic helped, thanks what exactlly do you have in there for filtration? carbon? still kinda new at this thanks