How to catch a Lunar Wrasse


Active Member
well... i caught mine's a few times now.. i just put the big net in the tank fer a few days so the fish gets a lil use to it.. then dont feed him for a day or 2.. drop in a cuple of flakes at a time.. and try to scoop him out... that how i do it.. it suckx but. ehh.. it works..


New Member
I just had to catch mine yesturday.... getting to agressive... I had to move my live rock around until he was in the corner. Then put the net in front of him and start moving the rocks behind him. He swam right into it. I'm sure that was luck... thought I would be there all day.


Active Member
Thanx to you both, mine is getting way to aggresive, im pretty sure he killed my peppermint shrimp, and hes always picking on my clowns. wish me luck, im going to give it a try staring tonight. but i may have to do the net in the tank thing for a couple days first. thanx again.


Active Member
didnt i post something on this awhile ago that u saw todd
well when i get home i'll post my method on how to catch a fish


Active Member
use a critter cage (around 5 bucks) and place a piece of LR in it with food....give it some time and the fish will go into the cage to eat the food, then close the door on the critter cage, instead of swimming out the door it'll dash to hide behind the piece of LR that you placed in the clear critter cage


I caught mine with fish trap after he ate $250 worth of clams it took a couple day but with lots of food in it he finally was not scared of the trap and went in by by Lunar back to the store.You can get fish traps online for about $30.00 for larger one


Your idea's brilliant!!! Why didn't I think of that? Ive been running some ideas in my head on how to catch the damsel thats bugging my two clowns. I was thinking of using the clowns as bait though. :thinking: How big was the critter cage? I have a small one I got at the dollar store sometime ago.


MIne is a cylinder shape acryilic with sliding door which has fishing line attached ,cylinder is about 10 in long and 4 in across.


I got a rectangular one that's about 7 inches across. I'm gonna temporarily silicone 2 suction cups on it so I can keep it near the top. Hope it works.