How to catch quick fish



Does anyone know of a way of catching fish with having lots and lots of rocks. I have this really pesky damsel who is chasing all my other fish around. So I decided to get rid of him and then I tried and catch him and it is impossible, with a net atleast. Not only is he quick, but their are so many darn rocks in the way. I could pull out all the rocks but that would be a pain because I would have to set them all up again. I know someone out there has a way to catch their fish from those huge reef tanks without having to pull out the rocks. Hurry before my damsel kills everything. :scared:

king bubba

Option 1. Appropriately sized

Option 2. Appropriately sized

gun with laser sight. (Should scare him to death!)
Option 3. Low yield nuclear detonation. (Added benefit--automatically rearranges rock!)
Option 4. Remove as much water as you can and hunt him down like a common dog. Seriously. It's the best way I know of. Good Luck.


here you go the first thing you should try is leaving the net on there with a bit of food let him eat out of it . this will take some time about a day or in nost cases an hour or two.
once you see himm eating out of it then move to the tank and set it back up but while standing there with the top open. then just yank him out. thats the best way and the cheepest.
the other way to do it is to get a fish trap ether way its going to mean sitting in front of your tank for an hour or two wich most of us dont mined any way
try the net thing first i dont like to take rocks out or drane the water ever its a lot more stress for every one else
and he is stilll going to be really hard to catch.


Active Member
I saw a similar question on another forum, and a member replied stating that he can get his damsel to go after a laser light like from a laser pointer.
He puts the net in the tank, moves the laser light to get the fishes attention, and then moves the light near the net then quickly nets him out of the tank. Pretty clever if it works. I've never tried it, don't know if it works, but I thought I would pass this on to you.


Active Member
You can make your on fish trap out of a like a coke bottle or something similar.
Heres how: Cut a circle around the end where the opening is. Reverse it where the opening is facing inside, and staple it. Put somekind of food in it to lure the damsil in.
I've heard this works good, but never tried it.


ahh yes the coke bottle trap it works good too and then you can just take him to your lfs in the bottle and let them figuer out how to get him out lol
but yes if you dont want to buy a fish trap the coke bottle trap work good


The coke bottle trick works well. I abandoned the hook and line technique for it and removed 2 damsels last night :) worked like a charm... I would recommend a darker bottle though... I used a clear bottle and it took a while before they figured out how to get in... instead they kept bumping into the side.


Well I tried the speargun and let me tell you it did not go well. My whole tank busted and i have saltwater all in my carpet except not really. i ended up putting food in a fish net and waited till he came and got some. It worked like a charm. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll probably have to use them in the near future.


Originally Posted by King Bubba
Option 1. Appropriately sized

Option 2. Appropriately sized

gun with laser sight. (Should scare him to death!)
Option 3. Low yield nuclear detonation. (Added benefit--automatically rearranges rock!)
Option 4. Remove as much water as you can and hunt him down like a common dog. Seriously. It's the best way I know of. Good Luck.

lol :yes:


New Member
Originally Posted by OuchThatHu
Get a really really tiny hook... add a worm and presto....
haha i'd loved to see that done