How to catch sixline with ick...


So stupid...We added sixline from dirty LFS to protect clams without dipping or QT...Kole Tang chased him during acclimation first couple hours and stressed him out I think...It's now day two and wrasse has light case of ick...
We're running 46 gallon with 40 pounds of live rock, clams, corals, cleaner shrimps, crabs and a couple clownfish...
Wrasse won't let cleaners touch him, Kole has personal cleaner working on him and is pretty clean. Any chance this wrasse does one of 2 things?
#1 - dies and I can pull him out easily without my other fish getting infected..
#2 - survives ick and my other fish don't get it and we live happily ever after until the next bout...
#3 - somehow I get the wrasse out before he totally infects my tank
If I go with 3, how in the world do I get this wrasse out without disrupting the system? The little guy won't come out of the rocks.


Active Member
luckily you have one thing going for you in your tank at this moment and thats cleaner shrimp they will help rid your fish of these pesky paresites just feed them well try not to stress him out more by trying to catch him.if you happen to have a UIV sterolizer nows a good time to use it.they do make an anti paresitc food you can try .I use a product called thera+A a non medicated anti paresitic formula pellets this may also help keep the rest of your tank ich free this product is made by spectrum sold in most LFS