how to clean an aquarium.


i found an old aquarium in my garage. i want to know if i can still clean it and how to check the seals? how would i go about cleaning the aquarium out. im pretty sure it was used as a freshwater setup because there is gravel in there with a undergravel filter.


Active Member
Elbow Grease and Vinegar will get most of the crud out...a razor blade will help with the tough stuff...
Lots of water to rinse...Bleach is OK, long as you do a Hot water rinse and a give a couple days to "air out"..
Check for leaks by filling with water ...
...preferably out side (just in case)...


Active Member
When I buy a used tank, I fill it with water in the garage or driveway and run the biggest possible pump(s) I can on them. I usually use two Iwaki 70s to generate lots of moving water. If the tank holds up for two weeks, then I go for it. Haven't had that method steer me wrong yet... yet.