How to clean aquarium


New Member
So my tank has been sitting in storage forever, and I'm just wondering how I might clean it up... can I use a new sponge in there? I'm afraid of the rags because they've been through the wash, and I dunno for sure if there's any washing soap left on them... Paper towels? What if my razor blade has copper in it or its holder? I guess this sounds paranoid, but in my experience/research, you can't be too careful, am I right?
Thanks guys!


I just pulled out an old 10g from the basement and used a bottle of white vinegar and some lintless shop towels I bought at Lowes. It was pretty nasty.


Active Member
+1 Bulldog. Some folks are afraid of using bleach, but it evaporates and leaves no residual chlorine, if allowed to dry thoroughly. And it has the added benefit of killing any bacteria that might be in there.


New Member
Well, I cleaned my 125 by filling it up with tap (needed to anyway for stress test) and dumping a crapload of vinegar in there. Drained it today (long, arduous, craptastic), and am getting the rest with towels... surely there will be some left, though, so is it okay to just let the vinegar evaporate, or do I need to do something else before adding actual ro/di water & life?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcattanach2012
Well, I cleaned my 125 by filling it up with tap (needed to anyway for stress test) and dumping a crapload of vinegar in there. Drained it today (long, arduous, craptastic), and am getting the rest with towels... surely there will be some left, though, so is it okay to just let the vinegar evaporate, or do I need to do something else before adding actual ro/di water & life?
I'd give it a good rinse with some fresh water and let that dry and then you can start adding your RODI water and rock.