How to Clean Sand


This is the 1st tank I have ever used sand for the substrate. I have a Python and regular siphon/vaccum.
How do you vaccum the sand without sucking it up ?
without sucking the python up? some syphons now come with a guard at the bottom so you're sucking up the sand only and not any fish. if you can't find one the improvision i can think of is to put a bag filter over the end and make the holes a lil bigger but smaller than the python so you dont suck it up. hope that works


Active Member
Messing with the sand can cause a spike because of anerobic bacteria underneath. For this reason we have cleaners (crabs, snails, etc). You also need to have enough flow and perhaps a powerhead directed at the sand to keep detritus and such suspended so your filters can grab it.


Active Member
That said, I've had to siphon my sand because of cyanobacteria. You can lightly agitate the sand from time to time or use a real thin diameter airline hose to spot siphon just be careful not to really mess with it too much.


Active Member
Brisk water flow, aggressive skimming, and the proper clean up crew should keep your sand clean.
What is building up on your sand that you think needs to be vacuumed?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Brisk water flow, aggressive skimming, and the proper clean up crew should keep your sand clean.
What is building up on your sand that you think needs to be vacuumed?
Well currently I have no clean up crew as I am doing hyposalinity for Ich.
I do have some seaweed that the Tang rips off and does not eat,it just settles to the bottom.
My biggest reason is I thought I might need a vacumm is while doing the hyposalinity I have so far replaced 15 gals. of water in a 29 gal. tank and my NitrAtes still seemed a little high (40)


Active Member
You really shouldn't have any rock or sand while performing hypo. Nitrates are pretty high but I don't think 40ppm will affect the fish. Are the high nitrates because you using tap water or heavy feeeding? Any food leftover should be siphoned off the sand but not the sand itself.


Using RO water.
Heavy feeding? Could be. The fish eat almost everything but the seaweed is on a clip so sometimes the Tang rips it off but does not eat it.
I know,hypo will kill off the rock


Active Member
i recently added a sand sifting goby. he is like 3-4 inches long. think they r called bullet banded goby. after 2 hours after intro to my tank, the sandbed is clean as new! he is constantly sifting thr the sand. i got him for like $20 at a lfs.