How to convert.....Quickly


I have several freshwater tanks and need to convert one or more to saltwater...quickly!
Someone is giving me a 210 gal. tank complete with fish....I will not see it until Sunday so I dont know anything about it. I am not sure if it is a fish only or reef tank, I will find out Sunday.
Problem: I have no place to put a 210 gal. tank. It will take me a few weeks to get the tank set.
Question: Can I convert some of my freshwater tanks to saltwater by next Tuesday or Wednesday? I will convert them back after I get the 210 gal. tank set.
I currently have 2 @ 55 gal. tanks, 3 @ 29 gal. tanks and 4 @ 10 gal. tanks.
TIA for any help....


Active Member
what you should do is move things around at your house to make room for that big tank. so you might have to drain one or more of your freshwater tanks to make enough room for the large tank. than put the salt water tank in place in one day.


congratulations on that size of a tank....that is my fav size tank....on the other hand, even though by looking at how many tanks you have are no stranger to aquarium care, but saltwater fish is a whole different game...patience and months of time are needed to get going ...i myself am no where near an expert or even qualified to give proper advise on specifics but i do know that doing something quickly will not work for swfish.....i've had a 55g for 3 1/2 years and am not ready for a 210g..just the maintanance on a 210 is both money and time consuming......hope this helps best of luck...