How to drill a tank?


I am moving and must tear down my tank so I have decided to try drill it while I have it empty. What kind of bit do I need and where can I go about finding it? I have all the tools I would probably need to do the job I just need to know where I can find a bit and some guidelines to follow while drilling it. I have a couple of crap 10 gallons that I can practice on before
commiting myself to the 100 gallon. My other question is where should I drill my holes? in the bottom or on the back?:help:



Originally posted by Wolffvet
My other question is where should I drill my holes? in the bottom or on the back?:help:

Almost all American made glass aquariums have a tempered glass bottom, not float glass. Tempered cannot be drilled, so you will have to drill the side. Good luck!


Active Member
Most tanks with tempered bottoms have "do not drill" stickers on them. Tempered glass cannot be drilled.
A few options:
Diamond glass cutting bit
Dremel with diamond bits
Have a pro do it
If you do it yourself, you have to work very slowly and keep the glass cool usually by sprayed or running water.
If you use the diamond glass cutting bit in a drill you may want to get a press attachment to keep it steady. If the bit catches, you'll get a chipout at best, a crack probably or possibly a shatter. The bits can be pretty costly - $20-50.


I have decided to see if some of the local glass companies will do it for me. If not I am going to leave it alone and not risk shattering the tank.


A college student in Stephenville? TSU
I graduated from there back in '99.
Here's a suggestion for ya. First, make sure it's not tempered glass. I just got an email back from Oceanic about the used 58 gal. I just bought and it's not tempered
Second, go to and pay the $15 membership. Third, call Tranquil Scapes in Arlington 817-652-4488. They drill aquariums while you wait for $5 per hole for DFWMAS members. It's $20 per for non-members. I haven't done mine yet, but I'm planning on taking it over there either this weekend or next..
It's a little drive for ya, but I'm sure they know about hole placement and such. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.