just got my vol lion yesterday from here
and he is in with some aggressive tank mates. niger trigger, porc puffer and a half blind lunar wrasse. trigger has nipped one last night at the fin but i think the lion will be ok, he got peed off big time and bit back. the trigger now goes way around him.
of course i now the problumatic situation i have created. someone will probly get messed up! but back to the question, how do you get food to the lion befor the muchfaster trigger/ puffer get to it. i am trying to use a clear feeding prong with skuwered live fish and table shrimp so far. not more than 1 sec after the prong is in the water moving towards the lionfish location and one of them will help themselves to it. my trigger ate 6 feeders!
let the lion eat!!! any ideas on a soulotion to my first problum, and dont say remove the trigger or lion. thats way to much stress on them.