How to feed a sea mat or button?

They will feed off of the light. You can also dose your tank with a product by Kent Marine called Phytoplex which they also eat.

nm reef

Active Member
My assortment of polyps(several types) all primarily feed from the water column. But on occassion I do direct feed them brine/mysis with dt's and zoe. I just thaw the food and use a turkey baster to spray it over the polyps...they seem to enjoy the treat!!


NM Thanks for the info-just what I was looking for! By the way, I noticed you have a lot of light over your 55. I don't see how that much light could fit over a 55. Would you let me know? thanks!


Active Member
I feed mine hikari mega marine (chopped up krill and other stuff) a couple time a week they have grown a lot since I started.


Active Member
I get it at my LFS. It is frozen in blister packs. I take one of them cut it in half and let it thaw. Then I suck them into an eye dropper and "shoot" them into each polyp.

nm reef

Active Member
To answer your question...I have a custom built canopy(we have a family friend that is a top notch cabinet maker)...he built it specifically to house the combination of lights that I use.


New Member
Do sea mat polyps tend to detach themselves from rocks? I used to have a rock full of these polyps but now the rock is almost bare. They are floating all over the tank. Some have attached themselves to other rocks but some are still floating or settled in the bottom of the tank. By the way, I do feed it Marine Snow. Does anyone know what may be happening to the coral?


thanks for the info, I'll try feeding them. I still have about half a rock full. Hopefully, they will come back. I took an emerald crab out of the tank and put him in another. Maybe this will help also. I thought this coral was supposed to be so easy to keep!