how to feed blue ribbon eel...

james brown

New Member
I just bought a blue ribbon eel about 3 days ago and he hasn't eaten yet. How long should I wait before I should start panicking? I've tried to feed him frozen squid and crab. I've tried leaving the food at the bottom of the tank and I've tried a feeding stick either way I haven't seen him eat. Any help getting him to eat would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


these eels are notorius for not feeding, and not doing very well in the home aquarium. Actually they are terribleand one of the reasons why some fish shouldNOT
be imported.
What i have read is to supply a constant supply of small feeder fish which will allow the ribbon to feed at its leisure. Second, I would try to get SW feeder fish an not use FW ones. Third these eels need their own tank, as they are extremely shy and usuall don't feed in the company of other fish.


Active Member
Unfortunatley, blue ribbons are notoriously hard to get to eat. Many of them never eat and succumb to starvation. Some people have gotten theirs to eat live ghost shrimp. Try all sorts of food, clams, squid, krill, shrimp, silversides, etc. I hope you can get him to eat. Good luck, Bo

james brown

New Member
dag! when I brought him home he seemed fine with my lions, he tried attacking one of my hermit crabs(I would've been fine with that as long as he eats) but then he let it go. he still gets along fine with the lions but he won't even eat my cleaner shrimp.


Active Member
I'm in agreement with Frank. Move him to his own tank. Then get some ghost shrimp and try feeding him those. The feeders like Frank said would work to. I believe you can use mollies as saltwater feeders. good luck, Bo