How to feed brain


What and how should I feed my open brain. I was feeding my shrimp today and a shrimp pellet fell inside the brain. It seems to be eating it, is this good or bad. I already use Kent's PhytoPlex, do I need to feed something else??? If so how?????


This is a question I've been trying to figure out. I've seen alot of people on these boards talk about feeding their brains. They say it's pretty important to keep it fed. I have had no luck with this though. What kind of Brain do you have?
You can feed an open brain at night. Its feedeing tenicles come out after the lights go out.
I feed mine silversides. The brain will swell up alot bigger right after you feed them.


I have a green open brain, and I feed it silversides, or chopped shrimp. Even formula one when I was out of the other stuff one time <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> I have read that some do not feed theirs ever, and they do fine.


The tentacles on mine are out most all of the time, is this bad??? If I want to feed chopped shrimp can I just get the raw shrimp you can buy at the grocery store?? What are silversides?? I have heard of people using feeder goldfish and just placing them in the tentacles of anemone's and brain's. I wanted to try this but I was worried about using freshwater fish as food to marine animals.


I have a green open brain which I have had for over a year and have never feed it directly. It will open up when I poor in brine and some will get caught on its tentacles every once in a while. But I have never directly feed it any kind of meaty foods. I do target feed it once a week and add phytoplex once a week as well. Since I have owned it, it has grown about 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter. I don't know if that is good but it is the fast growing stoney coral I have ever seen. I have had to move it several becuase of its size. Good Luck!
P.S. Silversides are small fish that you can buy as frozen food for larger carnivorious fish and inverts. I only feed them to my predator tanks becuase they tend to be to large for most reef fish.


i have a red/green open brain that i feed once or twice a week. i just take a pair of tweezers and place pieces of shrimp, krill, and silversides on the sticky tentacles. if the tentacles are not inflated, you can tease a piece of food around a mouth and at least with mine, the tentacles will soon appear. even pieces of chopped squid and blocks of prime reef can be used. i primarily use chopped shrimp and krill so that i can avoid excessive waste. they are lots of fun to feed...and, BTW, you can feed lots of LPS corals like that! :)


Wait until night that is when the open brain coral feeds. Then feed it shrimp or other raw sea food. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I have tried brine shrimp, marine cuisine, and raw shrimp. All to no avail. I have seen the mouth open but I have yet to see a tentecle. I has puffed up a few times. What am I doing wrong?


At least your open brain is green. Mine is still white with very little fl. green showing. I'm hoping he's just getting used to my tank. I added it last week on tuesday and still haven't seen it open up. Everything is perfect and the other corals I received are fine. I would hate for anything to die in my tank. I've been very lucky so far.


most say with proper lighting, you really don't need to feed open brain. I tried chopped krill, silversides, raw shrimp from Costco and put into its mouth.
most time my cleaners, even damsel or clown fish steal it out of its mouth, so i usually feed my fish and other inverts lots of food before i feed my brain and bubble corals. i always turn my return pump off while feeding, at the same time pour 15ml of DTS. turned back the pump after 1 hour. and i feed the tank 20 minutes before my last blue bulb goes off. :D