How to feed the inhabitants?



Here's a feeding question for everyone. Is it possible to feed all the inhabitants in a tank while travelling? I travel 3-4 days a week and my wife wants nothing/will have nothing to do with the tank. I've seen auto-feeders for flake food but will that work for a reef tank where everything eats different things and on a different schedule? Or will I be limited with what I can stock the tank?


How big a reef tank is this going to be? Maybe you could stick with mostly corals and only very few fish. Then you could use the flake/pellet device.


Active Member
I've seen alot of people on here caution against the auto feeders, their have been many stories of them getting stuck on and dumping all of the food in the tank, killing the occupants.


Active Member
i imagine your wife wants nothing to do with it because she doesnt want to end up killing your fish.. try to convince her to underfeed, as this will be better then too much, or none at all. buy some of the pill containers that are labeled sunday thru saturday and put just enough food in each compartment. If all she has to do is put it in from that day's container, she may be more positive about it.


Well, it's going to be a 215g built-in. My wife hates fish. We've got a 46g fresh tank and a pleco somehow got out. I'll give her credit because she attempted to get it back in the tank. But when it flinched, she freaked out and kicked into the next room until I got home the next day. Did you know fish can't survive on the carpet? She'll be willing to feed the tank on a daily or bi-daily basis - if it consists of one or maybe two types of food. But I KNOW she won't be be dropping a little of this, a little of that, and then some of more of this at any certain times. Like I said, I travel 3-4 days a week, probably 44 weeks a year. Would the 3-4 day feeding tablets be sufficient enough to sustain a healthy tank?


Active Member
A pinch of flakes or pellets every other day is fine when you aren't home. I wouldn't mess with feeding tablets.