Believe me, its a pita. Dont take apart the trim at all, its structural for the tank. If you happen to put it together wrong or weaker than origional then it could fail and you could end up with a couple chopped up fingers like me. The way i would go about doing this is fill the tank up till you start to see a leak. Use a dry towel to clean it and make sure you know where the leak is. Then drain the tank and let it dry. After it is dry, use a razorblade to scrape out ALL of the silicone for about a half foot in each direction. Use aquarium sealant from wal-mart or any lfs and put a nice bead all in the crack. Then Go over it with a corner squeegy thing to push the silicone into the crack. Clean up any mess with alcohal prep pads. If the leak is on the bottom, go ahead and flip the tank over and put a bead around the outside of the tank too. If you do it right you shouldnt have to remove the trim and you will be leak free. hope that helps you some. Oh yeah make sure you let the silicone set for 48 hours or till you cant smell it any more. It has a really strong smell to it, so you will know when it is ready.