That will work for mushrooms but for Zoanthids you need to pull the mat off the rock.
Use gloves when handling Zoanthids and do any cutting in a seperate container if you can. Keep animals & children away from the water you're cutting the Zoanthids in, it can be very dangerous.
I got shot in the face twice while fragging zoa's! I guess I get lucky or maybe I am building immunity? I drink the water I frag in when I am done! LOL..... not really but I have been shot in the face twice. I have heard some people needing to be rush to the ER from zoa's before? Maybe its a perk of being hawaiian, immunity!
Every time I got shoot I never seen it coming. It just hit me right around the eye area. The only times I got shoot was when I was cutting them, if you just break a piece of rock off they most likey wont shoot at you. Your best bet would be to get a welders mask some gloves that come up to your elbows and you will be fine!LOL
lmao...come on guys be serious...lolz... I may not frag the zoo's...because they are growing very well on there own and spreading quite nicely but the mushrooms are not growing very quick at all I was told to put them in darker lighting and they would spread faster any truth?
do becarful when handling zoos, they do have toxins. for your shrooms, try placing them with a power head right on them for a few days. when they move, they will leave a little piece of the foot behind, and start a new shroom.
You can also take a razor to your shrooms and cut them down the middle in halfs or you can quarter them too. They take a few weeks to repair them selves but you should have 4 new mushrooms if you quarter them! this is the method I use.