How to get corals to spread?


Does anyone know how to encourage a green star polp and a zoanthroid colony to spread onto nearby rocks? These corals are healthy and easy to maintain, but I would like them to spread. I don't want to cut them with a razor blade. They should spread on their own I believe.


Active Member
They will spread. My LFS has a tank with green star polyps growing on one whole side of the tanks glass.


I have star polyps which grow like weeds. They spread to other rocks with a purple mat like substance very quickly, I even have put small rubble rock around the main piece and as it grows I cut it with a razor blade and move to another spot in the tank or trade out with others. It is almost a problem as they grow too fast and too far.
I only add iodine in small dose 1 to 2 times a week and have used DT's and Kent microvert usually once a week in small doses although I direct feed all including these polyps.
I have a 70G w (2) 250W 6500K MH and (2) 110w VHO actinic, 125lbs of LR with a 40G sump with more LR and a 4 ft skimmer.
I think good water quality and movement and a little patience should make them do just fine.
Good luck


Active Member
I have some GSP that I've noticed is starting to spread. I've had it for probably 3 months now, and it's doing pretty well. I dose Reef Energizer from Custom Sea Life about once a week, and that seems to have help all my corals. I also dose Kalk when I do topoffs and water changes.

Here's a pic of my GSP... the right 1/3 or so of it is all new in the last few weeks.


Maybe I have one that just doesn't know it's supposed to spread. I've had it for 6 months and it hasn't spread at all. Maybe it needs more current? I have 226w over a 55 g so i think light is sufficient? Any more suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
I had diffrent types of poylps as well as corals I wanted to spread and had little or no luck.I took a suggestion and uped my iodine a little.Then I moved a powerhead so they had better movement.Now there everywhere.My green star poylps,xenias,yellow poylps,clove poylps and my sea mat have all spread like wild fire.


What type of camera did you use to take the pix of your GSP...awesome quality


Active Member
<STRONG>Originally posted by wetone:
What type of camera did you use to take the pix of your GSP...awesome quality</STRONG>
Thanks. It's a Sony DSC-S85. I posted some other pics in the aquarium... here is the thread if you are interested.