How to get Damsels out of tanks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mastertech
be carefull there is a reason i put all those in order.... if one doesnt work the others are soon to follow!! small hook, cast net, trotline, caiman alligator, dynamite, .22 lr, 14 lbs sledge hammer

See previous post....Problem solved


I just had this problem in my 125 I had 4 of them that just hated all my new expensive nice fish!!! grrr. So I took a few hours took out all the rock, bought the biggest net I could buy at the LFS (two of them) 15min later they are in what my wife calls "prison" down stairs!

tank a holic

Active Member
I think you should re order your list.....
if dynamite doesn't get rid of em, Im not sure what a 22 lr's gonna do lol


Originally Posted by mastertech
be carefull there is a reason i put all those in order.... if one doesnt work the others are soon to follow!! small hook, cast net, trotline, caiman alligator, .22 lr, 14 lbs sledge hammer, dynamite

sorry overworked! fixed it.


well today..i took the rocks out..i couldnt find the damsel i was looking after about 30 secs of looking i started putting the rocks back in..after everyrock is in i go to put the bowl in the kitchen and there is the little devil..flopping around in the bown
and so ..i put him in a bag and brought him back :)
are chromis as aggressive as damsels?


Active Member
No, Blue and Green Chromis are very peaceful fish.
Best way to get Damsals out of a tank is borrow about an 8 inch (give or take) Porcupine Puffer. Works wonders, when I moved and gave my Porky to a friend with 5 Damsals, he had 0 Damsals in about 2 minutes.