How to get palythoa's to spread faster?

I have one paly, it is a sea mat kind. It seem to be doing well under my new t-5 lighting.
i have 4 12k day light bulbs, 4 actinic bulbs and 4 moonlight leds. Is there anything i can do to get it to grow faster? Also can someone explain to me the way they spread?


Active Member
give it nice flow and good water parameters. i also would put another zoas or different kind of polys near it. when it sense a competing specie, corals tend to grow or spread faster.


Active Member
now its coming back. i used to shoot mysis shrimps at them. their tentacles will grab the food and feed it to the mouth.


Active Member
You can feed them every day if you want.
They will eat anything your fish will eat and will grow like gangbusters.