how to get red alge

New Member
i have tryed turbo snails and they died the second day i got them . i dont know if i should try anthor type of snail or what.
please help

kris walker

Active Member
Report numbers please. pH, ammon, nitrite, nitrate, etc. Also, did you acclimate them sufficiently before dropping them in the tank?

New Member
hi i am new to this and i appreciate any information and i let the snails sat for five mins and let water in every five mins for tenwty and let them out.i also had my water tested when i bought them and i got a yellow tail wrasse and he is doing fine and thanks for all information you give me and i am new to this and do not know how to use it very good but i will keep trying to.


Active Member
are you sure they were dead.. sometimes they lay on the bottom for a day or so before they move..
Are you talikng about red Slime algea? also know as cynobacteria.. If so you need to make sure your protein skimmer is poerating at full pottential. Also add more floe to the areas where the alge grows..

New Member
yea i am pretty sure they are dead they have layed there for 4 days and the slim stuff you can blow it off,i have a eclispe 37 gallon reef tank and it has like a build in bio wheel pump thanks for all your help

New Member
all i know is that the pet store check it and said it was good and all i have is a salt levl tester and what is the other tester you are talking about,i am a young kid that does not known that much yet but studys it a lot to learn what to do.

kris walker

Active Member
Hey there Purple,
What I would strongly recommend before doing anything else is getting the following test kits:
And if you want to get serious about keeping corals rather than just inverts, you also need:
This covers most of what you will likely need. Now the next step is learning how they all interact. For example, calcium, pH, and alkalinity are all interrelated to a certain degree. I strongly urge buying a book that explains them more, like say
Goldstein, R.J., Marine Reef Aquarium Handbook, Barron's Educational Series, Hauppauge, NY, 198 p., 1997.
It is a good book that was only about $15 from BorderBooks (you could probably also get if from
Welcome to the board,

New Member
i all so have soultions for corals,i have a hammer coral ,torch and pearl, leather ,feather duster,i had a clam but it died i think that i need a smart light to keep a clam i will try and find that book and message me some more information if you find or know any i think i will get that kit and some more snails i will just keep on trying thanks for all the information.


Active Member
Hi purple, :)
Surfin is right, you really need to get these test kits so you know what is going on in your tank. and without those readings it is very hard for us to help out.
The kits are very easy to use and come with directions.
We really would like to help you out, ok?
keep us informed, ;)


Active Member
If you can blow it off it is more than likley cyno. You need to increase your flow. Increase skimming and vaccum a thin top layer of your sand.. NOT much just enough to remove the slime. If there is any on the rock wave it off with your hand and then use a net to remove it. Do you have a UV? if so run it for the next couple of days while this is getting cleaned up. Remove it once it is gone though. Some people ,including myself, will tell you UVs have a dammaging affect on your tank if used for long periods. Also.. Forgot to mention this earlier. Are you using your factory bulb with your eclipse hood?