how to get rid of a murderous crab


how do i find and get rid of a hawiian strawberry crab?? i dont wanna take out my lr and stuff. is there anyway to lure him out then net him??? he killed my new jawfish and my biggest scarlet reef hermit.


I have one too. He is holed up in a piece of LR rightnow. Funny, I think the big red hairy hermit actually blocked him in with shells and small rocks. No kidding. Mine is completely nocturnal, I never saw him except at night after purchase. Waste of $25.00...


i cant find him at all! hmmm he killed my fish and hermit i am sooo sad now. i want him out now but i cant kick him out if he is hiding. hmmm reminds me of the fugetive


Active Member
just be paitent he wil come out than you can slap the cuffs on him and put him in jail and throw away the key


ok i plan to wait all night tonight and get him into a 2.5 gallon macro i am planning on using. then i will c if i can get some store credit or sumthin like that.


woohoo i found out where he lives i am gonna lift up the rock tonight!!! then i will net him then i dont know what i am going to do!!!! i was just sitting looking at my tank and i saw some hary pink legs touch the sand from under a rock. it was kinda freaky seeing how slow he moved thru the shadows!!! ahhh. i will get him tho


Daniel411 gave me a GREAT suggestion! Remove the rock he is living in and put it in a bucket with much higher salinity. The crab should run right out looking for a place with lower salinity!!
Now thats thinkin'.......
Of course, if he is just under the rock then the above does not apply.


Toss in a large sea urchin. When it gets hungry it will hunt down the crab and eat it. My sea urchin ate all 4 of my emarld crabs. The biggest one was probably 1.5" in diameter. I couldn't figure out what was happening until one night I left the blue moon light on and sat and watched....


I had an unknown crab in my 125g with 140lbs of live rock about 2 weeks ago. I leaned a smooth glass cup(high) against a piece of live rock near the hole where the crab was, put in a piece of frozen hot dog, and within 10 mins the crab was in the glass trying(hopelessly) to get out. No more worries :)