how to get rid of bubble algea

belly up

i have some bubble algae that i want to get rid of, ive tried emerald mithrax crabs but they have never touched it. is there another way to get rid of it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by belly up
i have some bubble algae that i want to get rid of, ive tried emerald mithrax crabs but they have never touched it. is there another way to get rid of it?
i dont know how many you have . im assuming its green bubble algea.
what i do is gently rock it back and forth with my fingers and it comes right off ,just be sure not to pop it because it will release algea spores


The only sure tool is manual removal (outside the tank) they grow through both sexual and asexual reproduction so they can engulf your tank in short order. Note they are not controlled by reducing nutrients in your tank your micro fauna will generate enough food to sustain large colonies. An interesting side note bubble algae is one of the largest single celled plants in existence they can reach up to 1” in diameter.

belly up

yes its green bubble algea and there arent a ton, but i dont want to give them the time to spread, so ill try the pulling them off tactic.