How to gross people out with your fish!


Active Member
Ok ok.. we've all stuck someones nose up to a protein skimmer telling them it smells just like chocolate chip cookies...... but today I did a new one!
I was sitting around my family and I was trying to pawn off some old fish food onto them.. Long story short I was telling them about how I love the smell of cyclop-eeze... I let them smell it and they said it smelled nasty.... I was like man this stuff even tastes good.. they didnt believe I would eat it.. so I took a chunk that was all fused together and ate it... never seen a bunch of grown people get so grossed out about something so NORMAL as a guy eating fish food :p


Active Member
UMMMM.....I think it says "not for human consumption" for a reason. I don't even like having the frozen stuff in the same freezer as my food. Considering buying a dorm sized freezer just for fish food.


Active Member
Says nothing of the sort on my cyclop-eeze. I use it to season my food sometimes... much like salt & pepper.


Active Member
I like the fear factor thing.It was worth it but a waste. I got a small pack of mysis. Let it defrost. My friend was spending the night and poured the hole back into his mouth ***)


Originally Posted by Speg
The seasoning my food thing with it was obviously a joke...
I was going to that in your diet???? hahahaha i rember when my pops came over to check out the plumbing on my tank and he got too close to the skimmer jug and he gave me a disturbed look and was like...."oh thx Mat you could have hold me the Jug smelled like Rotten babby poo" i laughed for like 10 min.


When I was employed by a LFS, the owner would periodically emerge from the warehouse area/office, to grab a handful of freeze dried krill and would eat them like they were popcorn ***) There was also a girl there that ate a spoonfull of live brine for $5.00.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EvanWV19
Ever see your two friends have a live feeder goldfish eating contest?
ewww... no


take a good size bristleworm (5-6 inches) and surprisingly put it in your girlfriends face, :hilarious