How to handle anemones?


New Member
I was just wondering how you handle anemones when putting them in your tank? I am looking into getting one for my clownfish but was curious how you get it in there? Can you just handle it with bare hands or will it sting you? Just wondering how you all do it. Thanks!:)
~Marks Girl :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marksgirl
I was just wondering how you handle anemones when putting them in your tank? I am looking into getting one for my clownfish but was curious how you get it in there? Can you just handle it with bare hands or will it sting you? Just wondering how you all do it. Thanks!:)
~Marks Girl :joy:
When I got my LTA, the girl at the LFS just picked it up and put it an a bag. I asked her about it stinging and she said it never had before. When I got home, I just did the same thing, picked it up with my hand. HTH
I know alot of people will tell you that you can just pick them up with your bare hands. However, I caution anyone to please wear gloves. They are cheap and well worth the price of not having a reaction - allergic or otherwise to anything that you put in your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
I know alot of people will tell you that you can just pick them up with your bare hands. However, I caution anyone to please wear gloves. They are cheap and well worth the price of not having a reaction - allergic or otherwise to anything that you put in your tank.
good point


Active Member
Err on the side of caution with these creatures.
If you are allergic to bee stings, then be VERY careful as you may be even more sensitive to them.
Keep vinegar handy as that will neutralize the stinging cells that stick to your skin and break down any toxins if you do feel a burning sensation when handling them.
Also, make sure if handling with bare hands that you don't have any scrapes or cuts on your hands as they will get stung and hurt like hell! Trust me on this (personal experience)


Active Member
Yeah, as with any type of stinging animal/plant some people may get stung worse than others. When you handle a anemone you WILL get stung, but you may not feel the sting because of just how your body is towards it. I've heard that people dont feel the stings when they handle them in their hands, but on sensitive areas of their arms they can feel the stings.
As far as I know im not allergic to anything.. so I pick my anemones up with my hands and sit them in the spot >I< want them to stay. Usually they move of course.. but sometimes you get lucky ;)
I am not so sure using dish washing gloves is a good idea... isnt there something placed on the inside of them to keep your hands from getting cracked or something? Go to walmart and pick up diver gloves for like 8-10 dollars. That way you can pick up delicate creatures like anemones or sharp rocks and be safe both ways.


New Member
Agreed that it isn't a good idea to handle them without gloves. Having said that I handle mine without gloves and feed them with my bare hands.
My biggest concern is what I might have on my hands-cleaning agents-lotion-soap-etc.
If you are going to use your hands be very careful about what toxins you place in your tank.


Originally Posted by reef65
I handle mine without gloves and feed them with my bare hands.
There is absolutly no way I could feed mine by hand, my clownfish would have my fingers for lunch.

Make sure all gloves are non powder.
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New Member
I can see how one would get bitten.
I have maroon clowns and the female bit me once for moving her anemone-didn't feel too good. Other than that one time they have been OK with me.
I have had the female since she was very small and have always fed the anemones this way. Maybe they are just used to my bad habits. :thinking: