How to have a democrat win the presidency.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The country has changed Darth. We've never been this spoiled or this out of touch with reality as a nation before....
......It's not about issues anymore. It's about spin, media coverage, and hate on both sides.
Very intelligent comments, unfortunately you may 100%.........correct.
My two cents....
If Hillary pairs up with Obama as VP she will be nearly unstoppable. Hillary would never accept being VP for anyone else.
The pubbies have a shot if Fred Thompson steps in and doesn't stick his foot in his mouth/doesn't screw up. For the pubbies a ThompsonGiuliani GiulianiThompson ticket might be the only thing that could stop a Hillary/Obama matchup(maybe even a ThompsonRomney, but not as solid).......this is all speculation of course.
As long as Hillary and Obama don't team up, the pubbies may have a shot. Again, I think it will take Thompson to do this given he doesn't screw up. A Thompson/Hunter ticket would make me drool, but I think it would take a Thompson/Giuliani ticket to win.
It's really too early to tell how it's gonna go, I'm sure Rudy never expected one of his peeps to be busted selling cocaine (I'm from SC). So everyone one is still ultimately in play (except McCain and maybe Ron Paul, sorry guys)
Hillary has the best chance of avoiding negative publicity because she has a well honed machine left over from Bill's days in dealing with it. Plus the Clinton clan is known to be quite ruthless to those that don't tow the line. We'll see...
Just my most humble opinion.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Consistant voting record, yes...But how has he cast those votes...The guy isn't your regular Republican but more of democrat with with Republican "morals"...His main fault is his stance on IRAQ...He would have us not have a precense or aid or support any country in the middle east. This is not a realistsic view point in today's global politics.
He also said 9/11 happened because we were helping Iraq and Afghanistan in the 1980's...however that doesn't explain the terrorist acts before that.
I noticed that to, Rudy is Pro-Choice so Im not voting for him, McCain supports amnesty so he's out, I really dont know much about Romney though but get the impression that he is more of a Politician than a leader and would do whats popular instead of whats right. Am really thinking it's time for a change and wish there was a choice of a canidate with ideals somewhere between JKF and Reagan, who do you feel is the lesser of the evils?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
I noticed that to, Rudy is Pro-Choice so Im not voting for him, McCain supports amnesty so he's out, I really dont know much about Romney though but get the impression that he is more of a Politician than a leader and would do whats popular instead of whats right. Am really thinking it's time for a change and wish there was a choice of a canidate with ideals somewhere between JKF and Reagan, who do you feel is the lesser of the evils?
for it against it nothing ever happens with that topic anyway rudy showed he could lead after 9/11, mccain does carry a solid voting record, but i agree amnesty is not right, i haven't seen a democrat worth anything in several years, if i do nahh ain't gonna happen i think rudy and thompson is the ticket...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
History has proven otherwise....Look at every election for the past hundred years that took place during a war and you will see there wasn't a party change at President during any of them.
History always repeats itself.
the presidency changed from democrat to republican during the vietnam war. and this war has been often compared to the vietnam war.
conservatives can boohoo on Giuliani for being pro-choice all they want, but I feel he's the only republican that would be pretty much guaranteed to beat Hillary, Obama, or Edwards. others COULD win, but it would be a lot closer. I feel McCain has no chance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
I am Republican and I am thinking that the American people anyway will vote in a Democrat. They are tired of the deficit and the war so i see the following taking place within the first year:
1. Troops will get pulled out of Iraq to soon.
2. Troop strength will get cut almost in 1/2.
3. Nothing will get done with the illegal alien problem.
Just my opinion; but bet it will happen.
Well said. I am also Republican but right now hate both parties. We need to stop this bill now. They came here illegally and can become legal?? Wow.. Block the border. Also I think we should stay in Iraq, everyone thinks we arnt doing anything but we are so just stay there or they will bomb us again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Well said. I am also Republican but right now hate both parties. We need to stop this bill now. They came here illegally and can become legal?? Wow.. Block the border. Also I think we should stay in Iraq, everyone thinks we arnt doing anything but we are so just stay there or they will bomb us again.
So when did the Iraqi's bomb us? Last I checked they didn't have any ICBM's or warheads...or are you suggesting they are responsible for 9/11?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
So when did the Iraqi's bomb us? Last I checked they didn't have any ICBM's or warheads...or are you suggesting they are responsible for 9/11?

On topic, I could not imagine anything worse then Hillary as our next president and if he runs and gets the republican nod I will vote for Guiliani.
Did I just quote myself...


Active Member
Celebrated my wife's 35th this weekend and have cases of beer in the garage, feel bad letting the little guys sit there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Celebrated my wife's 35th this weekend and have cases of beer in the garage, feel bad letting the little guys sit there.
pour lil fellas...tobin


Originally Posted by Jovial
I noticed that to, Rudy is Pro-Choice so Im not voting for him, McCain supports amnesty so he's out, I really dont know much about Romney though but get the impression that he is more of a Politician than a leader and would do whats popular instead of whats right. Am really thinking it's time for a change and wish there was a choice of a canidate with ideals somewhere between JKF and Reagan, who do you feel is the lesser of the evils?
See about the pro choice thing that iritates me. That shouldn't be considered in a presedential election. It's also the same thing with the gay marriage thing! Why don't we focus on things that are actually important in America, like how are public school systems are horrible and we spend more money on jails then schools. To me both sides are full of crap, and I hate our party system. In fact one of our fore fathers said the party system would be a bad idea. Kudos to anyone who can figure it out!


Originally Posted by Fenrir
See about the pro choice thing that iritates me. That shouldn't be considered in a presedential election. It's also the same thing with the gay marriage thing! Why don't we focus on things that are actually important in America, like how are public school systems are horrible and we spend more money on jails then schools. To me both sides are full of crap, and I hate our party system. In fact one of our fore fathers said the party system would be a bad idea. Kudos to anyone who can figure it out!
Well each person has their opinions on what they feel are important issues I suppose. I do agree that both sides are full of garbage and think someone with a different perspective other than the wealthy elite career politicians deserves a chance. Someone who isnt out of touch with the people.
Public education is important, same for the penal system. How do you think these issues could be improved without throwing more money at them?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
the presidency changed from democrat to republican during the vietnam war. and this war has been often compared to the vietnam war.

True, I forgot Johnson's refusal to send more troops to Vietnam to attempt to win the war was what cost him the re-election. I stand corrected....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
True, I forgot Johnson's refusal to send more troops to Vietnam to attempt to win the war was what cost him the re-election. I stand corrected....
I don't remember for sure (I was born in 1976), but I don't think LBJ even ran against Nixon. I think he realized there was no way he could win so he didn't even seek re-election.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
I don't remember for sure (I was born in 1976), but I don't think LBJ even ran against Nixon. I think he realized there was no way he could win so he didn't even seek re-election.

Yes he did, but the democrats lost popularity due to their willingness to not send more troops into battle.


Active Member
either way, this is not the only area that the presidency is going to ride on. the republicans, by and large, have screwed themselves with this illegal amnesty bill and some heads will roll


Active Member
I truly do not feel Obama will accept VP, for the same reason Clinton cannot. It is the FIRST time there actually is a chance a minority will get the presidential seat, and even though second is ok in a lot of things, in the minority issue it is not. Both of them will want first place or say i'll get it next time.
The only way i can see a republican getting back into the office is for someone to get some gonads and say Bush screwed up, and here's how i'm going to fix it. Whether or not people here feel he did is not the issue, but it is how the media, polls, and public seem to feel and someone has to capitalize on it or the dems will be the only ones saying it.


Originally Posted by renogaw
I truly do not feel Obama will accept VP, for the same reason Clinton cannot.
I think there's a chance he would accept VP since he lacks so much experience. But it wouldn't surprise me if he did exactly as you said. My point being that Obama accepting a VP slot under Hillary could possibly happen, while there is NO chance that Hillary would accept VP under anyone.
Agree with you 100% on your other points, the main problem with pubbies today is they started acting too much like Democrats. To date, Bush has spent more money than Clinton ever thought about spending, and that's taking out the budget for the war, which I support. To me that is a staggering thought, compassionate conservatism indeed.