how to help coraline algae grow?


My tank has been set up for about 60 days now. Shortly after I got it I was given about 20lbs of LR which had coraline algae on it. It is a beautiful red color and I would like to get that growing again. What can I do to help it. I tried a few searches but wasnt able to find anything specific. I did see something about calcium. Any ideas?


Active Member
The only thing you can do to help coraline grow is maintain good water parameters and wait. Keep you alk, calc, mag in balance and on the high end. And limit or don't have anything that eats coraline algea.


Thanks for the response. What kinds of critters eat the coraline? I have 3 clownfish. Some green chromis, snails, hermits, and a fire shrimp. Water parameters have been pretty consisent the last couple of weeks. I have never checked for calcium or mg. Guess I should get some test kits for those. Eventually I will want to put a few shrooms in there so it will be good practice.


Active Member
There are some products (like purple up, for example) that claim to promote the growth or coralline and other desirable algaes. These methods arent't proven, but these products will raise your calcium level, and thats essential to grow coraline. The best way to do it though it just to maintain prefect water parameters.


Active Member
Shrooms don't require calcium or mg, at least to my knowlegde.
I know certain types of urchins are said to eat coraline, but I don't know which types.
Don't add purple up or anything for that matter without testing and while using this product. Also don't add calcium without testing for mg and vice versa. They need to be in balance.


Originally Posted by trigger11
Thanks for the response. What kinds of critters eat the coraline? I have 3 clownfish. Some green chromis, snails, hermits, and a fire shrimp. Water parameters have been pretty consisent the last couple of weeks. I have never checked for calcium or mg. Guess I should get some test kits for those. Eventually I will want to put a few shrooms in there so it will be good practice.

i think some types of urchins eat coraline.


Originally Posted by fbm
Shrooms don't require calcium or mg, at least to my knowlegde.
I know certain types of urchins are said to eat coraline, but I don't know which types.
Don't add purple up or anything for that matter without testing and while using this product. Also don't add calcium without testing for mg and vice versa. They need to be in balance.
Is there a test specific for magnesium? :happyfish