How to help my blue linkia star


Any info would be appreciated ASAP. I know these things are very difficult to keep. My levels are as follows: Nitrite-0, Ammonia-0, pH-8.3, Nitrate-0. Other than algae that is growing in my tank what can I feed this guy? Any suggestions and opinions are appreciated.


New Member
First, how old is your system? Second, how big is your tank, and how much live rock do you have? These guys need a well established tank to survive, and a 75 gallon or bigger tank with lots of rock IMO. They feed on micro algaes that grow on established live rock. What exactly they eat is still up for debate, but there isn't anything you can substitute for feeding at this time. If you don't have proper conditions for him, about all you can do to save him.


My wife wanted one so i searched thru the board and the consensus seems to be that they need at least 125 lbs of live rock in a very mature tank. I see you have a 210 so you probably have 125 lbs but how old is the tank?


Active Member
Things like specific gravity is also critical, as well as tank age.
They in general CAN NOT be spot fed and must have lots of LR - the more the better.
Acclimation is critical.
I wrote an article about them that is in the Archives forum.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rrundle77
Are orange ones easier to keep

I've heard that they are easier to keep than the blue but may still present a challenge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rrundle77
Are orange ones easier to keep
I have heard that oranges and burgandys are easier than blues.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rrundle77
Are orange ones easier to keep
Totally and completely relative. Still need large tanks, lots of LR, pristine water conditions, etc, etc, etc. Still one of the most difficult animals, IMO, to keep.