How to identity an ich (or ick)?


New Member
hi all. I've been reading through the messages on ich and am concerned now whether my coral beauty has an ich. It has one white spot on her that comes and goes. When it appears I add some MelaFix to the water (recommendations of "the store guy") and the spot dissparears in days. Is that an ich?
Would MelaFix be harfull to the inverts?
On a different note, what's the best thing to fight high levels of nitrites/nitrates with? Obviously, I'm new to the saltwater tanks, mine is only about 4 months now, so any advise is very appreciated.


Staff member
Don't use any medications in a tank with LR or a reef tank.
Its not ick...its just a single parasite. I have a clown that has the same little problem. It only is a problem when the fish is stressed....which I try hard to ensure that he never is stressed.
If you want to treat this fish, then you need to place him in a QT for treatment. If it is just a single parasite that is not visible for the most part, just keep an eye out for the fish, and make sure that he is well taken care of.


New Member
Thank you, Beth. So, if I've already added that medicine, does that mean I can't ever have anenemies and such in that tank? I have some life rock in my current 26 gallon tank...


Staff member
I would do a major water change, then, a wk later, do another major water change.